
2 Post – 73 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

I keep a list of states I won't set foot in.

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I wondered if this might turn out to be somebody reading something into something, but Nope, he said it clear as a bell. You don't accidentally say that unless you're thinking it. This is obviously a word this guy uses frequently, and he even seems proud of himself for it.

One thing to consider is Graphene and Calyx both say they are designed to work on Google Pixel phones. If you have a different kind of phone you should search on your phone model and see if anyone has installed those on it and how it went for them.

Other than that, they are basically just de-googled Android so I would expect the things you mentioned to work. You can get many apps from Fdroid or use the Aurora client to get them anonymously from the Google store, though I don't know for sure if that works in all circumstances. My brother uses Calyx and I know he has been able to install at least one proprietary app (for his car) and I think one from an insurance company or something like that.

edit: update, I just checked the CalyxOS site and it says they also support Motorola moto and the Fairphone.

Brace yourself for a massive disinformation campaign against Harris as soon as they recover from the initial shock. Don't buy into any crap you see about her going forward. Eat no for breakfast.

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“She’s going to need help,” he said, noting she won’t be eligible for social security because she has been incarcerated for so long.

FFS she's owed a hell of a lot more than social security! 😠 The court should also order the state to pay her a huge damages payment that will afford a comfortable income for the rest of her life.

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Thank you AOC for standing up for the American people! Her speech introducing the articles of impeachment is well worth watching: https://youtu.be/1H1R_qtPiVY

David Plouffe, an adviser to former President Barack Obama who recently joined the Harris campaign, posted on social media: "Now, he seems only comfortable in a cocoon, asking his happy place Fox to host a Trump rally and call it a debate. Maybe he can only handle debating someone his own age.

Exactly. Can you imagine trying to conduct a debate with him at one of his rallies?

Moderator: Would you choose the shark or electrocution?

Trump: I'll take electrocution every time

Harris: I am the shark

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According to Taylor Swift's post, Trump and his propagandists posting fake pictures of Swift implying she was endorsing him is one reason she went ahead and came out with this statement endorsing Harris now, to refute the fake stuff they are circulating. So their stupid plan massively backfired.

Maybe Swift would have come out to endorse Harris at some point anyway, but doing it now gives people more time to get registered before the deadline.

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Would that cushion the blow?

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Yes! It's the total votes statewide that determines the winner (POTUS and Senator), no matter which areas of the state they come from. Besides that, a showing of more blue votes in red areas makes a bigger statement to powers-that-be, campaign analysts, etc. than blue votes in blue areas. Represent!

And as everyone else is saying, vote blue for every office on the ballot. The state, county, and city levels are just as important as the national level if not more so. Vote in every election no matter what, even if no one you voted for wins, it matters how close the races are so Dems know where to concentrate their efforts.

In the past, the coup attempt would have barred him from running again because when he was impeached after it, the Senate would have unanimously convicted him which would have disqualified him. But since the entire republican party is complicit, they acquitted him instead, which allowed him to run again.

The entire republican party and 2/3 of the Supreme Court are completely on board with project 2025 establishing an authoritarian christian dominionist regime, which means the normal government checks and balances have already been corrupted and neutralized.

We the voters are the only remaining barrier that can stop it, the only way to do that is keep the Democratic party in power. We did it in 2020, partly in 2022 (we lost the House), we have to do it again now in 2024, and we'll have to keep doing it every election until they are finally destroyed as a viable party. We've been barely hanging on with the thinnest of margins.

They can keep trying again and again--we can only fail once (like we did in 2016). One more failure and they win for good because they'll implement Project 2025 and it's over.

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If he replaces Vance, it'll have to be Nancy Mace, the only one left in the potential pick pool whose one-syllable name ends in "ce".

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And if they try to come back here later we can tell them our borders are closed!

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I'm glad to have it. I have to keep my old PS/2 keyboard plugged into that slot so I can get into the BIOS. My USB keyboard isn't recognized until it's too late to interrupt the boot process.

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Almost half the country is right wing and the electoral college gives their votes much more weight. That's just a fact. That means you can't win a national election without tacking toward their views in some areas, mainly the areas of concern to those in the swing states that will decide the election. You can't win by pleasing only your own base. Until we either abolish the electoral college and move to popular vote, or liberals/left wing/whatever you want to call it, reach a majority of the population substantial enough to overcome the electoral college.

Neither of those things looks likely to happen anytime soon, so the only option is to deal with our current reality and develop a strategy to win under these circumstances, but at the same time we should also be working to create a movement to amend the constitution to decide national elections by popular vote.

edit to change "half" to "almost half"--gotta recognize there are some more in the middle.

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... setting aside a requirement for knowing the Russian language, history and basic laws, and Jones urged his followers to consider sanctuary there.

Makes sense. After all you won't need to know any of that stuff out on the front lines in Ukraine.

Post these on Reddit to make sure they're used as training data.

I have never bought an appliance or physical product that requires an app to use, and I never will until our society has deteriorated to the the point where there is no alternative to that in order to get by in it. It's almost at that point already with smartphones but for now it's still possible to get by without one.

Well, they also owned the Republican party once, and magas/fascists took it over. That means progressives can take over the Democratic party.

No party lasts forever and these two have been way overdue. The way a new party becomes "one of the two" in the US' 2-party system is either by building up a third party from the bottom up over many years, or by taking control and transforming one of the existing two, which is much faster, as we've seen.

Technically the fascist magas started in earnest in 2008 with the Tea party movement as a backlash to Obama, not succeeding to oust Obama in 2012, and taking 8 years to get to Trump. Progressives started in 2016 as a reaction to Trump, got Trump out in 4 years, and stopped the predicted "red wave" in 2022. We're on track, let's keep it going. Don't give up.

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Don't worry about it, very few people will vote for this Russian stooge and those who do were never going to vote for Harris anyway.

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Without knowing more specific + or - details about the possible choices, I'd pick Shapiro over Kelly when you add up all the variables:

  1. As a governor Shapiro has executive experience, which Kelly doesn't. Cooper is also a governor but is already 67.

  2. Pennsylvania is an absolute must-win state. Arizona is also very important but is not a must-win. Gotta get PA.

  3. Shapiro is only 51 so would still be plenty young enough in 8 years to run for POTUS.

  4. With Shapiro you're not taking a current Senator off the field like with Kelly. Yes the Dem gov will appoint another Dem but will that person (or other Dem) be able to win again in 2 years vs. keeping Kelly in place who is highly likely to be re-elected. We really need to build up a bigger majority in the Senate over the next couple of cycles to be able to get important things done.

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Let me just fix that headline: "Head of insanely wealthy organization that has sexually abused children for hundreds of years feels justified in calling someone evil."

That's not the only thing, but it's the minimum required thing. There's also activism.

If Trump gets back in office, this is how it will be everywhere. He and his minions will do whatever the hell they want and nobody better stand in their way, rules and laws will be meaningless (in both ways--they don't have to obey them and you can be arrested even if you don't break any).

If anyone still thinks maga isn't a full-fledged cult, this proves beyond a doubt it's entered a new level. And we know what cult members are ready to do at the drop of a (red) hat. Anything their leader tells them to. Anything.

Better to just say, "You're so weird" and then ignore him and continue with her debate points, not ask moderator for help. If he keeps doing it work it into a response like "I will work to earn the respect of people, not try to intimidate them like this weirdo here."


Are Democrats finally finding a more effective way to counter MAGAt crazy ideas than just using logic and reasoning? I hope so!

Correct, she's the last thing I'm worried about.

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What if ... maybe he got Harris mixed up with Nikki Haley? He got Haley and Pelosi mixed up before, and Haley was his most recent opponent, in the primaries. So it wouldn't be surprising he would say, "But she was always Indian before" if he was confused by the interviewers referring to Harris as Black while he was thinking of Haley. But he can't admit that so he has to double down.

That thought just now popped into my mind.

I understand the feeling, but the problem is, keeping a democracy is eternal vigilance and always has been. Things have gotten to this point because we stopped being vigilant around 1980. Yes Republicans should be dissolved as a party but who's going to do that? Yes under a trump regime you and every protestor will be arrested -- and you'll stay arrested. If trump gets in, it will come to what to say but you'll have zero power to do anything about it under a brutally repressive maga regime.
Better to take power the only viable way, which is to replace one of the two existing parties. Take over the democratic party just like the magas took over the republican party. It can be done but we have to keep the fascists from taking control first.

Which is why the Heritage Foundation made sure to spell out a 900-page plan this time.

Oh good grief, don't put words in my mouth. That's not what I said and you know it. I said don't buy the crap that we're about to be flooded with. I never said you can't criticize her. You can believe and criticize any valid reality-based you want to, but check the facts first.

From https://www.usnews.com/news/national-news/articles/2024-07-19/what-happens-to-bidens-campaign-money-if-he-drops-out

What Happens to Biden's Campaign Money if He Drops Out?

It depends on who the new Democratic nominee is, says Saurav Ghosh, the director of federal campaign finance reform at the Campaign Legal Center.

The simplest option from a campaign finance standpoint would be to nominate Vice President Kamala Harris, because “if Harris remains on the ticket, as either the presidential or vice-presidential candidate, the new ticket would maintain access to all the funds in the campaign committee,” says Ghosh.

This is “[b]ecause Biden and Vice President Harris share a campaign committee,” Ghosh says, as both names appear on Biden’s statement of candidacy and statement of organization to the Federal Election Commission.

However, if a new Democratic ticket did not include Biden or Harris, then things would become “more complicated,” Ghosh said.

Since $2,000 is the limit to transfer money between federal campaign committees per election cycle, Ghosh said, the Biden campaign couldn’t legally contribute all of its campaign money to a new candidate.

Instead, “Biden’s campaign would have to offer to refund the money to donors, who could then contribute to the new candidate’s campaign,” or “transfer an unlimited amount to the DNC, which could then spend the money supporting the new presidential nominee, and up to $32.3 million of that spending could be coordinated with the new nominee,” said Ghosh.

Yep. Trump pulled his judge picks right off the wish list of extremist judges the Heritage Foundation hand-picked for him. It's sickening how many judges he got to appoint, on top of getting to choose 3! 😭 SCOTUS justices (one of the seats was stolen by McConnell).

Of course one of those judges was Aileen Cannon who after delaying the classified docs case against him as long as possible, finally went ahead and tossed it out completely on the ridiculous grounds that there shouldn't have been a special prosecutor for it.

No no. House doesn't get to nominate/choose the VP. Harris would choose a VP then the House would have to vote to approve them or not, like the Senate does with SCOTUS nominees. So the worst a Repub-controlled House could do (and they would) is prevent her from filling the VP slot at all.

That's why: 1) very important Dems get the House back in this election. Biden may not hand it over immediately but it could happen at any time during the term. 2) It's probably better to make her the nominee now so she can choose a VP to run with and avoid that issue.

I actually said it wrong in that way the other day even though I usually get it right without having to think about it too much. It happens. Once we start hearing it all the time it'll be easy, but in the meantime it may help to think of it as being "Kamla" which comes out sounding just the same.

So how do you get a third party presidential candidate to win? By actually building a 3rd party first. Run candidates in local elections, get them on school boards and mayorships. Start locally, build a following and work up to state. Start winning an appreciable percent of state legislature seats and move on to congressional seats.

Exactly this. These cicada-like independents and 3rd parties that pop up every four years to run for POTUS accomplish absolutely nothing, other than acting as a spoiler to one or both the two main parties. Some, like JFK, are acting in an ego-driven fantasy world with their best possible outcome being bribed with a job or money to drop out of the race, while others such as Stein, are intended specifically to achieve a spoiler effect targeted to pull votes away from one of the two dominant parties by playing on wish-fulfillment fantasies of susceptible people.

The only way to achieve real political power in our US system is to either (a) do as you suggest and put in the hard work over years to build up a viable party from the ground up to get large and strong enough to replace one of the Big Two at the top, or (b) take over one of the Big Two from within, as MAGA has done with the Republican party, which is certainly faster. I've gone into how the left can do something similar with the Democratic party in other posts.

I enjoyed that very brief period when Elon blocked being able to view an embedded tweet at all without logging into twitter, before they changed it to how it is now, where you can only see that one tweet but no replies, etc.

Just for that week or however long it lasted, I was so hopeful that we'd reached the end of this kind of shoddy "journalism" ("Look, here are some tweets I saw today that are kind of related to the subject of this article's click-bait title").

The only thing I “understand” is that all the rules are arbitrary as all fuck, society was made up by idiots with giant sticks up their arses, and everyone should go fuck themselves.

See? They were right, you do understand now. 😜