What is Project 2025? | what you should probably know about it

leadore@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 276 points –
What is Project 2025? | what you should probably know about it

Keep watching to the end for what you can do about it.


Vote? Is that what you can do about it?

Vote like everything depends on it.


Every vote not for Biden wince is a vote for Trump

A literal corpse over trump 2024

not sarcastic, I'll vote for Jimmy Carter post embalming if I gotta

Pretty sure they only tally up the people who actually for Trump as votes for Trump.

You know, the ostrich burying its head in the sand is a myth. So you can quit cosplaying as one and get your head outta your ass when it comes to knowing how First Past The Post works

For the record, I'm an advocate for everyone voting. I don't think anyone should not vote as a protest. I just take issue with the analogy that a vote not for Biden is a vote for Trump. If you want to blame someone for Trump getting elected, blame those that voted for him.

Mathematically is kind of is though. At least that's how it works out in a FPTP system. A 3rd party/non vote doesn't carry as much weight as someone voting for Trump, but it still moves the needle in his direction. EDIT: to clarify this, GOP voters are generally the minority, that means the GOP candidate benefits more from a smaller pool of votes than the Democratic candidate does.

If you want to blame someone for Trump getting elected, blame those that voted for him.

I think you can blame both. The Trump voter deserves significantly more though.

Been saying this for months now. When you're in the voting booth, the screen asks who you want to vote for. Voting against someone isn't an option.

If it was, I'd vote this year against Trump, but that's not how it works. I don't want Biden, either, so I won't be voting at all.

There is literally no counterargument to be made that doesn't rely on changing the meaning of words or twist reality.

As I mentioned before, I would encourage you to still vote.

For what reason? I don't want either candidate to be president. I've voted in elections where I wanted one of the candidates to win.

By not deciding, you're deciding you prefer Trump.

That's not the only thing, but it's the minimum required thing. There's also activism.