Alex Jones and his fans are intrigued by Putin offer of sanctuary to conservatives to politics – 354 points –
Alex Jones and his fans are intrigued by Putin offer of sanctuary to conservatives

Russian President Vladimir Putin has seemingly invited conservatives chafing under "neoliberal ideals" in their home countries to move to Russia, where he claimed "traditional values reign supreme," and Alex Jones suggested he might take him up on the offer.

The Russian president signed a decree offering assistance to foreigners seeking temporary residence in his country and expanding the quota approved by the nation's government and setting aside a requirement for knowing the Russian language, history and basic laws, and Jones urged his followers to consider sanctuary there.


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And if they try to come back here later we can tell them our borders are closed!

Or throw Alex Jones into a deep, dark hole for skipping out on paying the sandy hook families what he owes them.

I say we send him to Russia, revoke his citizenship, use tax dollars to pay the victims, and call it breaking even.