It will outlive us all

The Picard to – 1014 points –

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I'm glad to have it. I have to keep my old PS/2 keyboard plugged into that slot so I can get into the BIOS. My USB keyboard isn't recognized until it's too late to interrupt the boot process.

I had the same problem until I learned motherboards tend to prioritize the top usb slots or specific ones for the boot process. Switching to those fixed it for me. Any such luck?

I did try that but unfortunately it didn't work on my system. There is also an option for the systemctl reboot command that I haven't tried yet but plan to next time I need to get into the BIOS. IIRC it's --firmware-setup. It's supposed to reboot you into the BIOS, but whether it works or not depends on if your hardware supports it.

I think if your bios doesn’t recognize USB peripherals it’s not gonna be UEFI compatible.

I had to mess with an old laptop the other month, and the built in keyboard didn't activate until after the deadline for getting into the BIOS.

But plug in a USB keyboard, and away it goes.

Like, who designs this shit?