The Obamas Endorse Harris: 'This Is Going to Be Historic' to – 821 points –
The Obamas Endorse Harris: 'This Is Going to Be Historic'

The former president and first lady threw their weight behind the presumptive Democratic nominee

Barack and Michelle Obama have endorsed Kamala Harris for the Democratic nomination for president, sharing the news in a joint phone call.

A video released by the campaign suggests the former president and first lady called Harris on Thursday while the vice president was in Houston, where she addressed the American Federation of Teachers and received a briefing on recovery efforts following Hurricane Beryl. 

“We called to say, Michelle and I couldn’t be prouder to endorse you and do everything we can to get you through this election and into the Oval Office,” Barack Obama is heard telling Harris in a 55-second video of the call. 

“This is going to be historic,” Michelle Obama tells Harris.


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Brace yourself for a massive disinformation campaign against Harris as soon as they recover from the initial shock. Don't buy into any crap you see about her going forward. Eat no for breakfast.

I already saw a photoshopped picture of her hugging Epstein. It was her hugging her husband with Epstein's head

Took 1 google search to debunk. But morons on FB shared it anyway.

We should combat this by Photoshopping her head on Trump's body with already well establish photos of trump/Epstein

I know reddit was full of ask-and-you-shall-receive requests like this, and I'm not expecting it here on Lemmy - but does anyone on Lemmy have the ability to manifest this??

We could tag it with "I'm Kamala Harris and this is a ridiculous message"

I hope there will be an investigation on how much foreign influence there is in this election. So much of the fake news and trash social media posts are Putin’s playbook. The attack on Ukraine isn’t the only war he’s trying to fight

My brother is ostensibly a liberal Democrat but he somehow believes that Ukraine is run by literal Nazis and that Putin (a "good guy") was in the right to invade it. It's literally just Russian propaganda but he accepts it as objective truth - he gets all of his political "information" from TikTok and podcasts. He also believes that all bad acts in the world are committed by the CIA and that Putin was installed by the CIA (which of course paradoxically means he's a bad person), although he admitted he has no sources for that one.

It's amazing how social media really allows the bullshit pipeline to be carefully tailored to each individual's tastes, as opposed to the one-size-fits-all bullshit pipeline that traditional mass media was limited to.

Good luck, when the UK ran an investigation into russian influence on our elections they just never made the results public despite repeated promises too.

Ironic when you think about how many of Epstein's friends were leaders of nations and well known academics.

Pretty weird considering we know a certain presidential candidate who was actually friends with him lol

They will do their silly ignorant memes, but they’ll also amplify the kind of valid criticism of her that left leaning voters raise themselves. That’s harder to handle, because there is a lot of valid criticism.

It’s still hugely important to vote against Christian fascists, but it doesn’t feel good to do when you don’t like the person you’re voting for. Conservatives will amplify that sentiment to get left leaning people to not vote or to vote 3rd party.

Don't buy into any crap you see about her going forward. Eat no for breakfast.

This is the exact attitude that led Republicans into being able to believe that Trump is an upright and moral citizen......

No one should write a blank check of virtue for any politician. Valid criticism is important, without it we're just going to be led around by the nose by those who have access to power.

If we don't hold liberal politicians to the same standards we utilize for conservatives, then we will end up with the same type of shit bags they have.

This is the exact attitude that led Republicans into being able to believe that Trump is an upright and moral citizen......

No, not even close to the same thing.

Maybe you're too young to remember, but Trump has a very long history of being a massive, racist, piece of shit. He is literally the archetype of nearly every movie and cartoon villain in the 90s (not even kidding, Some More News did a whole video on it, it's actually insane).

He was notorious for not paying his contractors, and instead telling them to sue him, knowing there was no way they could afford to win a case against him.

He was notorious for blatantly racist housing policies at his properties.

He was notorious for taking out a full page ad in the New York Times basically saying we should still kill the (recently found innocent) Central Park Five regardless of their guilt (guess their skin color).

You can't even make this comparison, it's absurd.

His first time making national news was when the Justice Department went after him in 1973 for violating the Fair Housing Act.

Black applicants for apartments in his buildings had the letter "C" (for "colored") added to their applications and were denied based entirely on their race.

For over 50 years he's demonstrated time and again that he's a racist piece of shit.

Yes, and conservatives choose not to criticize him for being a shit head. My point is that it is the people's job to hold their elected officials to a higher standard, and we do that with valid criticism.

They were talking about aggressive disinformation, not avoiding accountability.

It seems a lot of people here are conflating any criticism with disinformation. If you mention the war in Palestine people automatically roll their eyes.

There is a biiiig difference in the timing and source of the news. And especially in the short term every new bit of news about her should at least be treated as suspect.

Or put another way, it's not like news stories just drop out of coconut trees.

No news should be taken at face value in the modern era, that doesn't mean we can just tell people to just say no to any criticism about her.

For example..... I don't appreciate her little memo equating protesting a genocide to antisemitism. Is the memo she posted from her personal Twitter account just fake news?

The problem is there was Pro Hamas stuff at the protest. They have the pictures. Which pretty neatly traps most politicians into having to disavow it because Hamas does horrific shit too. Seeing those pictures, her statement absolutely tracks as correct.

You do realize you are utilizing the "both sides" argument about a genocide?

The IDF has killed several times more civilians than Hamas and were still okay associating with them.....

I should have been more clear. I'm talking about what politicians are forced into doing. Not my personal views. We've spent 20 years demonizing the "terrorists". Israel very successfully labeled all Palestinians as terrorists until very recently. Getting Americans to understand that the entire time we've supported Israel they've been doing 10 times worse to the Palestinians is going to take another big push. Understanding Hamas as an embattled resistance movement is a step too far for most voters right now.

So showing up with actual Hamas iconography and flags pretty much requires a statement like this.

Hamas cannot be rebranded like that because that is also not true. They are terrorists.

It would be good to stop with the unconditional support of the IDF because they are an extension of a radicalized government that has settler extremists in it.

So were the IRA under modern standards. So was the French Resistance. So are the Ukrainian stay behind units. So were the American minutemen.

The idea of terrorism being any one that harms civilians for political or religious gain is breathtakingly broad. For example the Taliban had far more in common with the French Resistance than they did with Al Qaeda.

When I said we've had 20 years of labeling people "Terrorists", there's a reason that's in quote marks. It's basically turned into anyone we don't approve of is a terrorist and anyone we do approve of is targeting key government infrastructure in a wartime environment. Which is a really neat way to ignore all of the actual issues and push a conflict into genocide because you've made peace impossible any other way.

Over and over again you find these terrorist groups that are confined to one region or country are actually political entities operating on the same resistance model as the old IRA. Right down to the messaging about generational conflict.

And yes I realize this is incredibly intersectional and isn't something most people are going to realize without a college level political education in conflict or two more large social movements. (One to lay the groundwork, and another to apply it to the region.)

I love how with the closing paragraph you directly call everyone plebs if they don't see it your way.

Yes the conflict is more nuanced but I don't agree to the equivalencies you make with several other organizations. Groups founded for terror might eveolve to do more, but in the case of Hamas that is just to nurture their human shields and keep them alive enough to Garner outrage when they get bombed.

College level is just a way to describe the level. It does not mean you need to sell your kidneys and get a whole degree. Hell in the US 75% of your classes don't have anything to do with your actual field. Which is a rant for another day. I find most people online are capable of college level learning, they just need to find the free or cheap courses and time to do them.

Now here's a fun propaganda bit, "they were founded for terror". Were they though? Not even AQ was founded with the idea of going straight for violence. Let's look at Hamas' origins.

They were founded in 1987 during the first intifada. So right away we have a conflict (or a flare up of the long term conflict) going on. Their name translates as, Islamic Resistance Movement. Their founder had been doing charity work in the occupied territories since at least the six day war in 1967. He was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and according to him the intent of the group was to act as the local political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood and to counter the rising influence of the violent PIJ. (Palestinian Islamic Jihad).

That doesn't sound like a group that jumped on the terrorism train from day one to me. It sounds like a reaction to being occupied by a hostile force.

And what did they themselves put in their charter as their reason for Beiing?

Look I understand the situation there is waaayyy more complicated than brown people bad.

The whole region has over the past few millennia been home to people from almost literally all corners of the world. Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, and as a passthrough for trade even more.

I don't have an idea how to solve the issue either. I would think that the 2 groups sharing the whole of the Israël and Palestinian territories fairly.. no second class citizens... Open elections. But yeah...

But what I can also see is that the other groups in the region, namely Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon are also not interested in really helping the Palestinians. Or at least are willing to let them suffer to make a point. Keeping their side of the borders hermetically sealed.

So what then?

Oh, the destruction of Israel. which people take as a call for killing all jews but that isn't in their charter. And in the update they replaced that with a willingness to settle for a connected Gaza and West Bank Palestinian state. I'm not sure what's so controversial about saying you want to get rid of the country that's occupying you?

The rest of your post is just way of giving up on peace. It's always blowing up, We should do single state instead of the internationally and stakeholder agreed two state, and the neighbors don't care so why should we?

None of that is helpful to the conversation. Some of it's not even true, for example there were plenty of peaceful periods. And in the first half of the 1900's the war that did occur there was brought by outside empires. And again the 1948 conflict was Europeans executing a coup to create an independent settler state. Neighboring countries are always loathe to burden their systems with refugees. And moving to a single state solution is an Israeli propaganda line meant to justify their occupation and settlements.

Nah it's been fairly consistent that groups that use violence against civilian targets to gain political influence are labelled terrorists. What's not been consistent is your personal sympathies towards people that use these tactics.

Which is a really neat way to ignore all of the actual issues and push a conflict into genocide because you’ve made peace impossible any other way.

That's bullshit. People can always negotiate, if they choose leaders that are capable of negotiating in good faith.

I'm not saying everyone loves them. But the IRA was pretty popular in the US, and I'm not sure you could call the minutemen terrorists in an American bar without starting a fight.

The fact that the label is applied more as a political measure than as a fact finding is my point. It's my entire point. Most of what Hamas does the French and Russian resistance units did in World War 2 and they get lauded as heroes. The one exception is the suicide bomb, but that's no less villainous than a briefcase bomb in it's outcome.

It's you trying to both sides Genocide. Hamas committed genocide on October 7. You're trying to normalize it by claiming Israel is also committing genocide.

It's not a numbers game. Israel is conducting a war with the goal to bring back the people Hamas is holding hostage (which is a war crime BTW). Hamas attacked Israelis on October 7 with the goal to kill as many people as they can.

Hamas committed genocide on October 7.

Lol, my dude. An act of terrorism is not the same as a genocide.

You're trying to normalize it by claiming Israel is also committing genocide.

I'm pretty sure it's not just me who thinks that, the ICC has warrants out for Bibis arrest.

It's not a numbers game. Israel is conducting a war with the goal to bring back the people Hamas is holding hostage (which is a war crime BTW).

Yeah.... That's why they've primarily killed women and children? Also, genocide is most definitely a numbers game.

Hamas attacked Israelis on October 7 with the goal to kill as many people as they can.

And that was a bad thing..... Right? So doing the same back, but killing several times more civilians is worse....right?

Ah.. one of those. Got it.

Lol, yes the appropriate response to valid criticism.......ignore it.

If you don't agree with how Israel and America are treating Palestinians, whats the chance anyone is going to change their stance if you don't even do the bare minimum of criticism?

I'm not telling people to not vote, or to vote for fucking Trump, I'm just saying there are plenty of things we should be doing better, and we should all be voicing that.

Just really really tiresome that the middle east drama is always injected. We know, it's a horror show.

Now the first and most important thing is preventing don snorleone from taking the White House. Because if you think Biden is bad for the conflict there, I have a bridge I want to sell you.

No. No no no.

I swear nobody remembers the days we all knew he was shit, watch back the future there is literally a parody of what everyone knew Trump was.

Oh good grief, don't put words in my mouth. That's not what I said and you know it. I said don't buy the crap that we're about to be flooded with. I never said you can't criticize her. You can believe and criticize any valid reality-based you want to, but check the facts first.

Don't buy into any crap you see about her going forward. Eat no for breakfast.

just be skeptical of any claims made by the lunatic contingent that hates women and democrats.

That's fair, but people aren't stopping there. Mention any criticism from a leftist perspective and you get the same treatment.

It's all propaganda on both sides.

Entire Internet feels like a propaganda warzone nowadays. It used to be possible to have civil, open-minded discussions, not anymore.

It used to be possible to have civil, open-minded discussions, not anymore.

Bruh I've been in the internet since 2001. My earliest memory was trolling the Yahoo Pool rooms. Later on was getting into heated geopolitical arguments with grown ass men on 2007 liveleak as a shitforbrains 15 year old

Internet has always been the same, we just have more idiots now. Civil conversations are possible in the right places I think

Been on the internet since 1990. It has always been a cesspool.