Dr. Jill Stein announces Butch Ware as VP running mate

Socialist Berserker@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – -68 points –

WASHINGTON (TND) — Dr.Jill Stein, who is a Green Party presidential candidate, has selected Professor Butch Ware as her vice-presidential running mate.


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but it sounds like you’re not concerned about a 2nd Trump term.

Correct, I am not. I don't think the world ends if Trump wins again. (But he won't win anyway, so I'm double unconcerned.)

We have to send a message that any of that is NOT OKAY.

Well, you feel that YOU have to send that message. And I support your right to do that.

I, however, don't feel the need to do that.

Perhaps you’re telling the truth, but it just doesn’t feel like that, simply because most of your posts appear to have been about defending third party candidates rather than speaking in favor of reform (I say “appear” because I have not combed through your entire post history or anything, nor will I).

I am telling the truth. And I love the idea of reform. But no, you don't have time to go thru all my posts. (tho you are welcome to!) People argue with me a lot, and are very mad that I am not voting for their candidate, so it would take you forever. But I have advocated for reform plenty of times.

But I’m not going to sit around waiting for that; I’m going to vote for the candidate I believe in now.

I, however, don't feel the need to do that.

So you aren’t concerned about any of the issues I brought up - the 4yrs of conservative SCOTUS supermajority, Project 2025, Schedule F, etc?

Are you not concerned about Trump potentially invoking the insurrection act, especially noting that has said he would consider sending troops into liberal cities “to curb crime waves”?

Even forgetting things he “plausibly might not want to do”, his official policy plans are very concerning to me.

I don’t think the world ends if Trump wins either, but I think it’ll be very bad. Furthermore, I think 4 years of the president having zero climate protection policy will be detrimental to the environment. It feels ironic that you support the Green Party but aren’t concerned about a Trump presidency in that regard.

So you aren’t concerned about any of the issues I brought up - the 4yrs of conservative SCOTUS supermajority, Project 2025, Schedule F, etc?

Nope. Pure fearmongering created by Democrats.

If Trump somehow won (which he won't), then in 4 years, we'd have another election. And in that election, Democrats would be saying variations of "Republicans are trying to destroy the world. This is the most important election ever!" like they have always said.

And the Republicans would be saying variations of "Libs are trying to destroy the world. This is the most important election ever!" like they have always said.

I won't be voting for either one of them.

Again. This isn’t about stopping apocalypse, or the end of the world, or anything like that. It’s about stopping a guy who has literally threatened to send the national guard into cities…just cuz.

And again. The irony of supposedly supporting the Green Party, while not caring about the threat of Trump on the environment. When caring about the environment is literally the namesake of the party……

Please, at least read my link to his Agenda 47 if you have not already done so. Or watch his official Agenda 47 videos, which are videos and not easily navigable text for a reason.

Stop trying to bully me. Stop trying to guilt me. Stop trying to sway me.

I'm voting for Jill Stein. I support you right to vote for who you want to. Just like I am allowed to.

Accept it. Move on. I'm NOT voting for your candidate. Do you understand?

This is not a good-faith response to my comment and you ought to know that.

I’m not bullying you. You’re the one who put forward the idea that democrats think a trump presidency would destroy the world and/or cause an apocalypse, and I am asserting, as a democrat, that neither of those are true.

I was genuinely interested in how you’d respond to Trump’s Agenda 47, if you had not already researched it. And I was genuinely interested in how you’d rebut the irony I pointed out twice, but you have not done so.

I don’t really care if you don’t decide within the next 24hrs to vote Harris or anything like that, but I was interested in, at least on paper, having a good faith discussion where I put forth new information and a perceived cognitive dissonance in your stated values, and you’d read at least some of that information, and/or address the perceived dissonance.

I don't care. I'm voting for Jill Stein. Accept it. Move on.

I don’t want to leave the conversation with a “cap” on it that has animosity behind it.

I’m still interested in how you respond to Agenda 47, and how you’d reconcile the Green Party candidate being your #1 pick, with not caring about a Trump victory when Trump is worst candidate for the environment.

If you don’t want to continue the conversation, you could simply stop responding. I can’t stop you from doing that, nor do I have any desire to.

It's simple. I'm not voting "against" anyone; I'm voting "for" someone. I'm not worried about who might win. I'm voting for the person who best aligns with my values, and that's Jill Stein.

I get it—you’re scared of Trump. You hate him. Fine. But half the country doesn’t hate him, and that’s just the way things are.

I’m not changing my mind. I’m not suddenly going to stand up and say, "OMG, @aalavre2 was right. I’ve read up on Trump this weekend, and now I’m scared! He totally talked me into voting for Harris!"

That’s not going to happen. You act like I’m someone who just moved here from another country and has never heard of Trump. You keep saying variations of "But what about..." or "How are you going to respond to..."

Dude, I don’t care. I’m not scared of Trump or his administration. If he wins, I won’t jump into a pile of pillows and cry, "Why? Why didn’t I vote for Harris?! Why didn’t I listen to the people on Lemmy?!"

I’m voting for Jill Stein because I like her and I want to vote for her. It’s not that deep. It’s not some deep philosophical reflection on my feelings about the nature of society.

You need to accept it. I have the right to vote for who I want. You’re trying to bully and guilt me into doing something that you want me to do. Which, by the way, is exactly what Trump voters try to do as well.

I support you voting for whoever you want. I don’t expect you to explain or apologize for your choice. Please offer me the same courtesy.

You need to accept it. I have the right to vote for who I want.

You sure do, but If you're constantly posting on a forum trying to get other people to do the same, then we have the right to call you obtuse. It's not bullying.

I have posted articles on libertarian party political news and Socialist party political news in this sub. Parties that I am not voting for.

but If you’re constantly posting on a forum trying to get other people to do the same

How have I been "trying to get other people to do the same"?

This Lemmy communty is a politcal news community that accepts political news posts. It's NOT just for pro-democrat news. It's for any news article that has to do with politics.

I post political news articles that write about facts of political parties.

Are you telling the MANY posters of every single pro-democrat news story that they are "constantly posting on a forum trying to get other people" to vote the way they do?

This community is well-moded. If they find a news article that doesn't fit the tone of this comminuty, they remove it.

I simply reply to messages directed toward me. I'm not "trying" to sway anyone.

In fact, if you actually read my posts, you'd see that I end many of them with variations of me saying "I respect and support your right to vote for who you want. Please do the same for me."

And calling me a part of a russian troll farm, or saying that a I am a Trump voter simply because I am voting for a third party, or trying to guilt me by saying, "What about... don't you care about all the..." IS a form of bullying when it's repeated over and over to me, after I have stated my positions.

I respect and support your right to vote for who you want. Please do the same for me. Thank you!

It's simple. I'm not voting "against" anyone; I'm voting "for" someone. I'm not worried about who might win. I'm voting for the person who best aligns with my values, and that's Jill Stein.

Which values, exactly? She is the Green Party candidate, aka the candidate for the pro-environment party, correct? Is it safe to say that the environment is an important issue for you?

I get it—you’re scared of Trump. You hate him. Fine. But half the country doesn’t hate him, and that’s just the way things are.

I don’t care what half the country thinks about Trump. I’m interested to know what you think of Trump. Post-Agenda 47 research.

I’m not changing my mind. I’m not suddenly going to stand up and say, "OMG, @aalavre2 was right. I’ve read up on Trump this weekend, and now I’m scared! He totally talked me into voting for Harris!"

And I already told you that I don’t expect you to do that. That’s what it means to say “I don’t really care if you don’t decide within the next 24hrs to vote Harris or anything like that”.

That’s not going to happen. 

Like I said above…agreed!

You act like I’m someone who just moved here from another country and has never heard of Trump.

No, I am not. I’m sure there are tens of millions of people who haven’t combed through Trump’s official policies. It’s not exactly easy to do so, after all, when it’s mostly videos. Even harder to do so when some of the most important policies are hidden behind boring names like “Schedule F”. 

I’m simply pointing at research you could be doing to inform you of a candidate who I see as the on-paper opposite of Jill Stein.

Dude, I don’t care. I’m not scared of Trump or his administration. If he wins, I won’t jump into a pile of pillows and cry, "Why? Why didn’t I vote for Harris?! Why didn’t I listen to the people on Lemmy?!"

I get that you’re not going to say and do such an oddly specific thing. I get that you’re saying you don’t care, and I am telling you, respectfully, “well, maybe you should care”.

I’m voting for Jill Stein because I like her and I want to vote for her. It’s not that deep. It’s not some deep philosophical reflection on my feelings about the nature of society.

And I never said it was! But when you put as simply as “because I like her”, it sounds like you’re voting against your interests, when I’d expect you to see Trump as the polar opposite.

Do you simply think that politics, and who ends up president, don’t matter that much? If that’s how you feel, that’d clear up a lot of things…

You need to accept it. I have the right to vote for who I want.


You’re trying to bully and guilt me into doing something that you want me to do.

No, I am not. You’ve accused me of both belittling and bullying in a single comment, and I’m just sitting here asking if you read any if my links or chewed on my point about supporting the Green Party. 

Now I’m asking you, directly, if you just don’t really care that much about who becomes president to begin with. If you don’t wanna answer that, you don’t have to reply back.

I support you voting for whoever you want. I don’t expect you to explain or apologize for your choice. Please offer me the same courtesy.

And I’m not asking you to apologize for your political views…but this is a political sub. It’s where we’re free to explain our feelings about politics.

And I’m not asking you to apologize for your political views…but this is a political sub. It’s where we’re free to explain our feelings about politics.

You ARE totally free to ask that. And I am totally free to be tired of explaining. I've explained my positions. I appreciate your interest, but this isn't an "ask me anything!" thread, so I'm moving on. You are just asking way too many question, and I don't feel like going into any more details.

I'm not voting for Harris, no matter how many questions you ask me or how you try to sway me. It's not happening.

I support and respect who you are voting for. But I am voting for someone different. Actually lots of people are voting for someone different. Please accept that. Thank you!

My standing question about whether you just don’t care that much about who becomes president is important. It’d mostly settle your overall feelings on the subject. But if you don’t wanna answer me anymore, then that’s fine.

What I don’t want is for you to leave this thread off on a non-answer.

I support and respect who you are voting for. But I am voting for someone different. Actually lots of people are voting for someone different. Please accept that. Thank you!

You have a right to vote for whoever you want, just like I have a right to ask you “why?”. And you have a right to stop engaging if you don’t want to talk to me anymore. But if you continue engaging, without answering, then I have a right to ask again: “why?”.

I'm not voting for Harris, no matter how many questions you ask me or how you try to sway me. It's not happening.

This is not a good faith statement to make in a political discussion. If you believe there is absolutely zero way you can be swayed into a different point of view, then you shouldn’t try to sway people yourself.

Perhaps you’re not trying to sway people on anything here, but then…why post to c/politics about Stein to begin with? What’s the point of that if you’re not trying to at least “move the needle” on public perception of Stein?

Perhaps you’re not trying to sway people on anything here, but then…why post to c/politics about Stein to begin with? What’s the point of that if you’re not trying to at least “move the needle” on public perception of Stein?

Because it's political news and this is a political news community. DId you think that the only political news allowed here was pro-democrat news? That's actually not the case. This is an inclusive political news sub.

And I am posting political news articles to a political news sub. That's how that works.

You do realize that I'm not writing the articles, right? They are from news organizations posting facts about what is happening. And this is a political news Lemmy community.

Also, I have posted articles here that are about different political parties, not just the Green Party.

Did you even realize that I don't only post Jill Stein articles to this community?

And do you realize I created and mod a sub about MANY different third parties? One is even called "Third Party News." In addition one about the Green Party and one about Socialist parties?

I feel you have a narrative in your head about me, and you are waiting for some "gotcha!" moment. But that's not going to happen.

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You like to say that people are mad about you not voting for their candidate, but that's just your spin. Personally I was mad about you constantly giving shifting strawman arguments about how it was impossible for Stein to be working with Russia. Like most conservatives-at-heart though, you seem to struggle with owning up to any wrongdoing, everything must always be someone else's fault and you're always some innocent victim.

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