"Stop Sending Bombs”: U.S. Lawmaker Ilhan Omar Demands Israeli Arms Embargo

tardigrada@beehaw.org to Politics@beehaw.org – 95 points –
“Stop Sending Bombs”: Rep. Ilhan Omar Visits Uncommitted Sit-In & Demands Israeli Arms Embargo

Democratic U.S. Congressmember Ilhan Omar said outside the Democratic National Convention (DNC) on Wednesday [21 August], where members of the “uncommitted” movement launched a sit-in to demand a Palestinian American be allowed to address the convention from the main stage.

Omar said she joined protesters outside the DNC because “there is no compassion in turning our heads away from the piles of dead bodies” in Gaza. “A ceasefire is only possible if we use every leverage that we have, and the biggest leverage that we have is to stop sending bombs,” says Omar, explaining why she is calling for an arms embargo against Israel and an end to “this genocidal war.”


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not really common sense since you still have hamas running around attacking both palestinians and israelis.

Which has done more harm to Palestinians in recent months: Hamas or Israel's weapons?

i mean hamas literally attacked a music festival and killed innocent people. i can't imagine a pov where someone would sympathize with them.

stopping supporting anti hamas actions won't stop the war... it will just lead to more innocent people dying

stopping supporting anti hamas actions won’t stop the war… it will just lead to more innocent people dying

If you think more innocent people will die if Israel stops bombing Gaza into dust, then you haven't been paying attention to what's happening to Palestinians.

Everything Hamas has done, terrible as it is, pales in comparison to the tragedy and horror inflicted by the IDF.

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Yes hamas, which was formed due to Israel then later funded by Israeli government, is worse than the country currently genociding the Palestinians...

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