Your TV set has become a digital billboard. And it’s only getting worse. to – 886 points –
Your TV set has become a digital billboard. And it’s only getting worse.

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Server to host media. Super easy to set up and can run on a Windows client. Don't even need an independent server to run it on. (or for an OS that boots to just Kodi)

Application to watch through Kodi

Client to run Kodi on: MeLE PCG02 Mini PC Stick

If you didn't want to install LibreELEC to the PC and just want to keep Windows, you could run Kodi in Kiosk mode and it would boot directly to it just like LibreELEC.

I have not watched normal TV in years, let alone an ad on my TV. I spoke to my neighbors one day and figured out they were paying ~$60 a month for all their streaming services, and they're STILL getting ads...

Stuff like this is unacceptable, and I refuse to partake in the lunacy and delusion that is modern television.

The number of people suggesting this shit as a replacement for streaming services is way too damn high.

The monetary cost of the hardware is insane if you want to have any sort of hardware to store your media. But the time investment to get something like this running is 10x more. And at the end of the day it's all 100% illegal and liable to get you in tons of trouble.

Also Plex as an alternative to Jellyfin with a way better UI and better app support

And also a good degree of bugs and enshittification

Wait plex or jellyfin? Both?

Edit: thanks y'all

Plex. Its been getting shittier for years.

Meanwhile JF has been improving in leaps and bounds.

Since he mentions enshittification, I assume he means Plex.

However I am pretty sure both will have some bugs. I use jellyfin, so I can only speak about that. But one annoyance is that the androidTV app sometimes doesn't have the best subtitle support. However it allows you to open movies in external players, which is a workaround.

I bought a lifetime plex pass once and have no issues since. HW encoding works out of the box, the scanners do their job and I can use their apps on every platform. I had to disable the Plex offered free movies once, the horror. Don't act like Plex is some Google level shit of annoyance or 'enshittification'.

Jellyfin on the other hand has atrocious UI that basically screams the absence of any sort of UI designer into your face, the HW encoding is a mess to set up and the apps are a jungle of different 3rd party apps...

Don't act like Plex is some Google level shit of annoyance or 'enshittification'.

Close enough for me.

The UI has always been pretty terrible to navigate but when they started trying to push all their streaming services I jumped ship. I don't respect companies that don't respect their customers. Jellyfin is better and is constantly improving where Plex is doing the opposite and wants to charge you for the privilege.

What streaming services is plex pushing? They offer integration for other services you subscribed to like Netflix or Disney and they also offer free, ad based services that you can permanently hide with one button. And the UI? Jellyfin is so convoluted, especially the settings.

You answered that yourself.


What streaming services is plex pushing?


They offer integration for other services you subscribed to like Netflix or Disney and they also offer free, ad based services

Honestly thought it was just one service, not services, didn't know it was that bad. Yikes! Commercialisation strikes again.

Plus, there's the "Plex pass" as you mentioned. I'm sorry but I'm not buying some bullshit battlepass just to watch movies lol.


How are Jellyfin settings convoluted in the slightest? How is the UI convoluted? You keep saying it, but you can't give a single example so far. Can you mention at least one?

As for the settings they're all neatly split by categories and pretty straightforward, not that you have to use the settings much if at all tbh. Outside of "scan library" I don't think I've been in the settings once after setting up the automatic subtitles download plugin.

Jellyfin is a great example of how FOSSware just works, and doesn't stop working like the competing capitalist enshittificationware when it decides to rake it in.

I never said Plex is google-level enshittification, don't project words in my mouth. What is a fact though is that it is undergoing enshittification and that it's a buggy mess and video transcoding might work for you, but it's a well known source of pain for others. It could be better on Jellyfin too, but nowhere near as difficult to set up, even on weird/unsupported systems.

UI screams no designer

Idk what you're on about, not even LTT Linus pointed out any issues with the UI and he is no Linux CLI wizard.

If anything it's far simpler to use than Plex because it doesn't have the dark pattern bullshit into it.

You load the app, you hit movies or TV shows, hit your favourite movie or TV show and play. It's not complicated at all, no need to click past the various upsells and no need to buy battle passes just to watch a film.

The only thing this supposed absence of a "UI designer" seems to have brought is the absence of upsells and enshittification/dark patterns.