What Film Are You Surprised Didn't Get A Sequel?

TehBamski@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 133 points –

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I might be in the minority but Chappie was a really good movie. It’s a real bummer Die Antword were so horrible to work with that the director kinda gave up on it.

I never understood why they thought it would be a good idea to have them in it. It's not like they are known well enough to have a huge pull

I actually watched the movie because of them.
Stumbled upon the band on youtube, and I'd never heard anything like it before.

Plus, their music videos are fucking sick!

I used to love them until the stories of them being fucking horrible people came out. They've been accused of rape, human trafficking and slavery.

I saw Chappie for the first time last week and was moderately devastated to find out there isn't going to be sequels. It had so much style, humor and personality!