How come it seems for the past decades the Catholic Church has been plagued with sex crimes especially among young boys? How long has this been going on? Or did I just miss something up. to No Stupid – 195 points –

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Been happening for a long time. It's also not just Catholic church. All religions are guilty of some sick shit. ALL OF THEM!

I thought this was far less common between protestants whose priests can actually have a family, but I rarely get any "protestant news" given that i live in a catholic country

Personally I feel like it happens less often. The Catholic Church really have a reputation. I've only ever heard 'altar boy' to mean a young boy who's being groomed and taken advantage of. I have no fucking clue what an altar boy really is.

Whoever it definitely still happens with protestants. Usually with youth pastors (surprise, surprise).

It happens at the same rate most likely, but I don't think protestants have the same centralized authority that Catholics do to coordinate massive coverups, so the pastors usually get fired or "quietly retire" rather than being shifted to a new church where nobody knows they're a pedo.