YouTube is Losing The War Against Adblockers to – 1170 points –
  • YouTube is intensifying efforts to combat adblockers, including blocking video playback and warning users of potential account suspension.
  • Increased ads on YouTube have driven many users to adblockers, hurting both YouTube’s ad revenue and content creators reliant on ad-based income.
  • Despite these measures, many users are leaving YouTube or finding workarounds, leading creators to seek alternative revenue streams off-platform.

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I was looking at the comment section from the article and the following comment made me laugh loudly, thinking on how bizarre our current world is:

So a platform that is blocking adblockers is delivering an ad piece advertising an adblocker. Ha! That's an ad I'd love to watch 😂

I wanna see that ad

You need to deactivate your ad blocker for that 😆

Every video ad needs to have the video uploaded to YouTube afaik. So it's possible to find it, although I'm not sure if it also works for private videos.