YouTube is Losing The War Against Adblockers to – 1170 points –
  • YouTube is intensifying efforts to combat adblockers, including blocking video playback and warning users of potential account suspension.
  • Increased ads on YouTube have driven many users to adblockers, hurting both YouTube’s ad revenue and content creators reliant on ad-based income.
  • Despite these measures, many users are leaving YouTube or finding workarounds, leading creators to seek alternative revenue streams off-platform.

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Shit you don't want yet. That's the idea of ads, trying to sell you shit you don't want or need. Why advertise the stuff that you're already buying?

Advertisements are for a large part about brand recognization. Even if you're not going to buy the product, the fact that you remember the brand means the ad has worked.

There are tons of products I'd impulse buy, old lego sets, spice and hot sauce samplers, custom gaming dice.

I won't normally go out to shop for them but if they show up as an ad I may click and buy.

But they NEVER advertise anything to me that I like or am interested in. It's always bullshit

Exactly. Show me ads for guitar parts, pen inks, and 80’s kid stuff. I would impulse buy the shit out of that. Instead it’s “Want this loot box filled with bullshit that a hipster is trying to sell”. No thanks.

Because an animated 5 second ad telling me to buy more dice and horde them like the goblin I am would work on me!