Donald Trump abruptly ends interview: "We're in danger"

Jo to – 288 points –
Donald Trump abruptly ends interview: "We're in danger"

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Having your head on a swivel after being shot at is normal. But you know what’s also unfortunately normal? Being shot at in the US.

A normal person would, after being shot at, consider pushing for responsible gun ownership legislation. He could help prevent what happened to him and hundreds of thousands of other Americans.

It’s so much cooler and more presidential to stand in a glass box and talk about how safe guns are for everyone though

“The second amendment people know that the radical left want to take your gu…”

Someone knocks over a chair and makes a loud bang


Kamala should slam her hand down on her podium periodically during their debate just to see if she can trigger the fat fuck into flipping out. It would be amazing seeing him combat dive and roll around on the stage while screaming "WE'RE IN DANGER!"

Someone sneaks in a package of ladyfinger 40/40 fireworks, and sets them off. Trump would hit the deck. They'd get talked to by the FBI. "It was just a prank, bro."

No just hand out little brown paper bags at the entrance. No need to bring fireworks into it

But you know what’s also unfortunately normal? Being shot at in the US.

Oh, fuck off. Even if it did happen to "hundreds of thousands" of Americans, it wouldn't be "normal". The US has 340 MILLION people in it.

But yeah, "hundreds of thousands" is bullshit it's not even close to one hundred thousand, less than half that actually, about 43k last year:

Something that happens to 1% of 1% of the population isn't "normal".

You have to consider the aggregate impact. Tens of thousands a year, over multiple years.

For example, this was an interesting that showed that, in a lifetime, 15% of Americans have witnessed a shooting, 25% have been threatened with a gun, 12% have been shot at, and 4% have been shot.

in a lifetime, 15% of Americans have witnessed a shooting, 25% have been threatened with a gun, 12% have been shot at, and 4% have been shot.

You're not actually suggesting 'once in a lifetime' falls under "normal occurrence", are you?

This is also a partial goalpost move, since the original sentiment responded to was asserting that "being shot at" was normal, and you're now citing other things like 'seeing someone else shoot someone', obviously an event that's much more common relatively speaking (but still nowhere near "normal" for the average American).

I’m just saying that a LOT of Americans have and will experience what he just experienced.

My wife and I were shot at by a nut job neighbor with a known record who should not have been allowed to own firearms. That once in a lifetime experience (I hope) was enough for us. No one should ever have to experience that.

1 in 10 being shot at and 1 in 4 being threatened is way too fucking high.

You are completely correct and normalizing gun violence is a way to justify not restricting access.