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*felonious presidential candidate whines that it isn’t fair he isn’t getting more plea deals

This country is truly fucked


An appropriate opportunity for a headline writer to use the word ‘slammed’ and they went with ‘hit?’


It’s probably because preceding each shutdown they loudly proclaim that they will shut down the government and blame the dems… and then they do…

So, she’ll be on the Supreme Court short list then?

They will now be known as Doctors With One Border

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Stein is a clown.

A vote for stein is a vote for trump.

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The independent system they designed is under threat?

Dude, it’s gone

It took off in Clarence Thomas’ free RV and it’ll never been again.

Under threat 🤣

It’s not that they hate America. It’s that America stands between themselves and power/wealth.

They don’t give a shit about America or Americans, but they don’t hate America. I definitely do think they hate the poors though.

If that’s your jam you should hang out with some line cooks

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Don’t worry, they got you

Texas is a pretty terrible place. And it’s huge. Have fun.

Democrats are saying things about me that cause republicans to shoot at me!


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I fucken hate reruns

“Yeah, our quarterback sucks and we haven’t won a game in 3 seasons, but they’re my team and I love them”

That’s it. That’s as deep as it gets with magats.

You cheer your team and you boo your enemies. You don’t need to know why.

Eh, they had a good run 🤷‍♂️

As long as they don’t start claiming to be time travelers I think we’re still okay

You know shit is serious when world leaders start slamming things

They always look for genitalia, Leto thought. Perhaps I should have something made, a gross protuberance to shock them.

  • Leto II 2.0, God Emperor Of Dune, 1981

So I do still swear and curse…

But now I do it literally.

My brain


Here’s to hoping, Rupert

I’m going my part!

With more room for ads, I hope?!

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You have to be a really special kind of stupid to ever have believed that a billionaire conman is “for” anyone but himself.

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I mean, it really is pretty embarrassing that TWO billionaire social media platform owners, between them, didn’t have a crew capable of pulling off a pretty straightforward streaming session… 🤣🤷‍♂️

It really seems like election rigging should be a crime

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As would any red blooded conservative who believes that more guns means more safety.

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This is the absolute worst possible way for me to first hear about a product and company that I would have otherwise been interested in

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US with new technology:

To help fight human trafficking? No

To help find abducted children? No

To catch “illegal” brown kids trying to go to school? Hell yeah!

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I’m willing to bet she has the kind of good lawyers who only work for people who pay them, too.

This system is considered one of the most advanced and secretive in Russia's defense arsenal. It works by emitting radio frequency (RF) interference disrupting the control signals between the drone and its operator, forcing it to either land or hover in place until it is brought down, or its battery fails.

Am I reading this wrong, or, are they in fact saying that Russia’s most advanced defensive technology is an rf jammer?

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This new TikTok trend is dark af

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It’s so much cooler and more presidential to stand in a glass box and talk about how safe guns are for everyone though

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If he doesn’t go first no nation should allow it. Dude is a fraud.

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Sounds like a special military vacation

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This wasn’t the aggressive campaigning?

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