Donald Trump abruptly ends interview: "We're in danger"

Jo to – 288 points –
Donald Trump abruptly ends interview: "We're in danger"

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It’s so much cooler and more presidential to stand in a glass box and talk about how safe guns are for everyone though

“The second amendment people know that the radical left want to take your gu…”

Someone knocks over a chair and makes a loud bang


Kamala should slam her hand down on her podium periodically during their debate just to see if she can trigger the fat fuck into flipping out. It would be amazing seeing him combat dive and roll around on the stage while screaming "WE'RE IN DANGER!"

Someone sneaks in a package of ladyfinger 40/40 fireworks, and sets them off. Trump would hit the deck. They'd get talked to by the FBI. "It was just a prank, bro."

No just hand out little brown paper bags at the entrance. No need to bring fireworks into it