Secret Russian Counter-Drone EW System Recovered by Ukraine in Kursk Region to World – 213 points –
Secret Russian Counter-Drone EW System Recovered by Ukraine in Kursk Region

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This system is considered one of the most advanced and secretive in Russia's defense arsenal. It works by emitting radio frequency (RF) interference disrupting the control signals between the drone and its operator, forcing it to either land or hover in place until it is brought down, or its battery fails.

Am I reading this wrong, or, are they in fact saying that Russia’s most advanced defensive technology is an rf jammer?

Well compared to wood blocks and chicken wire cages, a simple RF hammer does seem pretty high tech ...

Given the massive distance these drones fly, I think an RF jammer is the best they could come up with.

And it doesn't appear to be very effective judging by the footage of drone attacks.

Isn't an RF jammer basically the only defense against a drone? Apart from shooting it down?

Laser bearing attack eagles are pretty standard in most modern warfare.

I didn't think about that but I'm certain I've seen a video of an eagle trained to hunt drones.