what is your idea of a ideal first date?

wantedthefirstaccount@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 34 points –

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I like a movie (or a show or whatever) and dinner/drinks after, because then you by default have something to talk about.

Really? I'd consider a movie like 2nd or 3rd date material, but I guess if you're having an event after it would make sense.

It may help that I've never really "cold" dated. Every "first date" I've ever been on was with someone whom I was already at least decently friendly, so usually it's more like I found a movie or event or whatever that we were both interested in. It had not occurred to me that sitting in a dark theater with someone you weren't terribly familiar with could be something that needed vetting, but upon reflection I can see where that may cause problems. My naive ass just likes movies.