Libreddit's public instances shutting down due to Reddit's API changes to – 291 points –
Libreddit's Public Instances are Shutting Down · Issue #840 · libreddit/libreddit

I was using LibReddit to check in once in a while, and it died today and Teddit instances are giving error 429 too, so yeah, no more Reddit from now on


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I'm going to run this on my VPS but I don't see instructions on how to use the .toml configuration file to specify all the options. Where do I place the libreddit.toml file after installation?

Also, I just started the Docker image on my local Linux box using the example to put it on port 8080, but I can only access it from my browser on port 80. Is that example command correct?

docker pull libreddit/libreddit

docker run -d --name libreddit -p 80:8080 libreddit/libreddit

Notice the port mapping. If you ran this command, youre binding port 80 to the docker container's port 8080. You can set it to whatever you like.

As for the .toml, I didnt even bother. That just sets the instance defaults, but you can change those on a per-user basis from within LibReddit.

That's the command I used.

sudo docker run -d --name libreddit -p 80:8080 libreddit/libreddit

Then I checked the port traffic with sudo lsof -i -P | grep -i "listen" and saw it running on port 80. And I could only connect to it from my browser on port 80. But it doesn't matter, I switched to teddit in Docker and have it running with a compose file, so I'm set.

Yes that command is binding port 80 to 8080. If you wanted it to run on port 8080 you'd run this command instead:

sudo docker run -d --name libreddit -p 8080:8080 libreddit/libreddit

The first port number is your local network, the second is the internal docker network.

And yes, using a compose file is what I would recommend.

Oops. I don't fully understand Docker and I misread the instructions for selecting the port.

On a related topic, is there any reason why I had to use "sudo" to run these Docker commands? I tried both without sudo and they both failed.

You need to create a docker usergroup and add yourself to it.


Docker can be confusing at first, don't sweat it. If you want a simpler UI to configure containers with, I recommend or

Yes, I actually used Portainer on my VPS when I was learning Docker last year. It makes some things easier, but it does add another layer of complexity, learning to navigate the Portainer interface and setting up Stacks to deploy your compose files. With my home server I was trying to experiment with "the natural Docker" procedure.

I do the same. I have Yacht setup mostly so I can update and monitor things at a glance.

I see that Yacht is alpha. Any problems with stability?