Celebrating at the DNC in a Time of Genocide

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – -42 points –
Celebrating at the DNC in a Time of Genocide

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And what happens when Egypt starts thinking Israel looks weak? Let them use Gaza as a reason to attack? I'm very against what Israel is doing, but this is very reductive. It's foolish to think that peace in the middle east is not a nuanced subject

And what happens when Egypt starts thinking Israel looks weak? Let them use Gaza as a reason to attack?

So we should just keep selling them weapons that we know they will use to commit genocide on the off chance that Egypt would invade a nuclear-armed nation?

I’m very against what Israel is doing

They're not doing it quickly or brutally enough for you?

Oh dang u right, it ain't nuanced, my b

If you want to pretend that there's nuance to genocide, it's because you want to drag it out for as long as possible.

Excuse me if I don't trust the infallibility of the foreign policy platform of a person who falls back to ad hominem attacks after reading 3 sentences, and failing to grasp their meaning

You don't trust the foreign policy of anyone who isn't either murdering Palestinians or selling them the weapons to do so.

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