It’s official: NASA calls on Crew Dragon to rescue the Starliner astronauts to – 363 points –
It’s official: NASA calls on Crew Dragon to rescue the Starliner astronauts

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Serious. Even if people don't say it aloud, there are ones practically hoping for Tesla FSD to fail and kill someone, Neuralink recipient to die of complications or the Crew Dragon module to fail and kill the astronauts only so that they can say "I told you so" and then keep shitting on Elon. Any rational person would hope for these companies to succeed despite who the CEO is because it'll benefit all of us on the long run.

Oh seriously, f right off. Nobody wants Tesla drivers to die, they just want Musk accountable for killing the ones that died because they believed his constant lies in the videos he released and speeches he gave that "Autopilot" / "Full Self Driving" and "ROBOTAXIS ARE COMING" meant that the cars actually can drive themselves.

Tesla only succeeded due to the hard work and innovation of its two ACTUAL founders. Ever since Elon did his cuckoo bird routine and pushed them out of the nest, Tesla has fallen behind all other car manufacturers, and have only managed to stay afloat trading carbon credits for government cash. Instead of releasing a low to mid-priced model to compete, he squeezed out the cyberturd. And SpaceX is going to ruin any chance of humans getting off this planet with Starlink. In 6 months, Starlink satellites had to make 25,000 collision-avoidance maneuvers, and they are on an exponential curve. It's not if, but when they screw up and start the beginning of the Kessler syndrome.

And Starship is the biggest government grift of them all. That PoS will never make it to the moon, much less Mars. It's going to end up just like the Hyperloop.

Elon is a con-artist whose only talent is constant market manipulation, insider trading, and fooling the gullible.

If every Starlink satellite shattered into the most dangerously-sized pieces simultaneously, it would only affect our access to space for 5 to 10 years. It would perhaps be bad enough to put manned missions on the back burner during that time period, and would certainly cause major issues for terrestrial astronomy, but it wouldn't cause much harm to the space program overall. If they were in a higher orbit, it would definitely be a concern.

I don't get people like you that start their rant by telling me to fuck off and then expect me to continue reading any further.

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Because of the CEO it will NOT benefit us all. Just think of starlink and Ukraine as a tiny example.

Did Elon Musk Turn Off Starlink Access in Crimea To Disrupt Ukrainian Attack?

To clarify on the Starlink issue: the Ukrainians THOUGHT coverage was enabled all the way to Crimea, but it was not. They asked Musk to enable it for their drone sub attack on the Russian fleet. Musk did not enable it, because he thought, probably correctly, that would cause a major war.

Yikes, a major war you say? The fact that Ukraine doesn't have full ability to use starlink in whatever fashion they feel is necessary to repel the invaders of their nation (crimea is part of Ukraine) proves that Elon musk is aligned with money, not morals, not human rights, just fucking $$$. linking that article proving musk personally ensured starlink would not help Ukraine, and thinking that was a good thing? He's attempting to incite a civil war in the UK, attempting to influence the US election via twitter, and he's a really just a silver spoon apartheid slave jewel mine produced asshole and here you are saying "he's a necessary evil", yeah fucking right ignoramus.

Yikes, a major war you say?

Those are not my words. Not even Elon's. Those are the words of the author of Elon's biography, Walter Isaacson. What Elon said is:

If I had agreed to their request, then SpaceX would be explicitly complicit in a major act of war and conflict escalation.

The reason Ukraine can't use Starlink in Russia (or occupied territories) is because Starlink is not enabled there due to US sanctions to Russia. Enabling it would be literally illegal for him to do. He also added later that had he been contacted by US officials and told to enable it, he would have, but they didn't.

Thanks, didn't know that!

It’s rare to see someone value truth over pride. Kudos to you.

You do realise you just posted this under a comment that is doing the exact opposite and assuming SpaceX's success, right?

Assuming success and hoping for the contrary are not in conflict with eachother

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