Kentucky State Fair removes ribbon-winning miniature after realizing it depicted a porn set to Not The – 561 points –

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Nobody but you is discussing what is or is not art.

You above:

I want you to think deeply about if all porn is inherently artistic or if porn depictions have a separate circuimstance.


This isn’t porn, it’s a hand-crafted miniature. Which, yes, is art.

Then you pasted an image underlining how it is a depiction of a porn set, which surely implied that you were saying it isn't art.

So is it art or not?

Art or Not Art doesn't decide if it stays up in public.

Let's look at the instant replay.

I want you to think deeply about if all porn is inherently artistic or if porn depictions have a separate circumstance.

I want you to think deeply about if all porn is inherently artistic or if porn depictions have a separate circumstance.

I want you to think deeply about if all porn is inherently artistic or if porn depictions have a separate circumstance.

Look at that. I didn't say it wasn't art. Wow.