Trump aides alarmed he's 'just golfing all day and stewing' as election slips away: WaPo to politics – 951 points –
Trump aides alarmed he's 'just golfing all day and stewing' as election slips away: WaPo

Factually, that's what he did during his time in office as well. I'm not sure what they thought had changed.


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Trump’s greatest weakness is women. They always have been. He can’t talk too tough about them because this dude is a momma’s boy larping as a bully. His reaction to every woman who sued him has been lame and weak or nothing at all. Kamala was a slam dunk against this guy because they figured out his weakness and are exploiting it. Doesn’t mean you should sit back and not vote. VOTE and make it a huge landslide for funsies.

He was running against a woman in the only election he won.

His real weakness is having people be dismissive towards him. Harris' message of "It's the same disrespect as always, we're moving on from that" and Walz's message of "he's a weirdo" is working great. Used to be he'd say something batshit insane, Democrats would be understandably outraged, Trump would dominate the news cycle, his base would see it as him "owning the libs." Low information voters would only hear about Trump and hear nothing from the Dems other them talking about Trump and not show up on voting day.

I don't quite agree with you because of Clinton. If I were picking your grade this weakness, I would say it's his narcissism, which has also been his strength at various times in his life.