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His first rally back he spent his time lying about everything. He only told one truth. That was about how RFK talked badly about him and he didn’t like it. He spread more crime lies, immigration lies, and random ass lies. Then he lied about how he’s getting JFK files released and lied about how RFK ran a good campaign and people like him.

He’s gone to 100% lying shitbag ult.

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Pelosi is no political genius. She’s got some parlor tricks but most religious leaders do.

But the fact that my Trump loving family members would vote for Bernie over Trump speaks volumes.

Bernie getting fucked by the DNC was the greatest political blunder in 100 years.

Nobody wants Catholics vs Evangelicals anymore because most people think that shit is garbage.

We want PROGRESSIVES because we want PROGRESS!

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First mistake is using Chrome second mistake is using Google.

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I feel the problem will only get solved if we eliminate housing as an investment. The housing market has obviously been gamed and is a false indicator of wealth. There is no way a 1200 sf POS house is worth $300,000.

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The conspiracy is that the Saudi's funded it and the families of 9/11 are still going after them so I guess it's not a conspiracy. The stuff they found was pretty fucked up and deserves more investigation. Remember Bush protected Saudis and outed CIA agents probably to protect his obvious incompetence.


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Privatization means a cut to services and profit is now the motive.


Stop privatizing your power.

The Tuareg also known as The Blue Men of the Desert are a formidable force since they basically have silently ruled the desert for thousands of years. I had the pleasure of teaching the Tuareg in Niger how to build domes out of sandbags for long term protection and food storage. They also can be used as embattlements. They are a matriarchal society although their culture has also integrated Islam as well. They are a rich and beautiful culture. They play bad ass electric guitar and a band you should listen to is Tinariwen if you like good music.

I spent 28 days with them. The last 3 days were one long sandstorm. The longest I had ever been in, worse than what I had seen in the ME. We finished the project early as they are actually very good at hard labor, and they basically fell in love with my building partner and worked harder for her lol. Anyway, I hope they wipe every Russian merc off the continent. All the Russians do is cause trouble.

Trumps pledges are just lies. He won’t do any of what he says because he’s a liar.

If people think Gabbard was ever a democrat they don’t follow politics and careers deeply enough. She’s always been a Russian plant. That woman is human trash. IDGAF if she’s a veteran, she’s a disgrace to the uniform.

Trump staffers are basically the shitty trust fund kids that don’t deserve it.

The Sacklers need to go to prison and their stuff repossessed.

Yea they need to extend the investigation to Adin Ross because when you sign up for his Discord you get inundated with “chat rooms” that are the same exact ones that Tate runs. Adin sniffed this guys asshole btw on a live stream.

Here are the key points from the article:

•	Kamala Harris’s Economic Vision: Harris is crafting a new economic approach, blending government-driven market guidance with efforts to correct economic power imbalances.
•	“Build and Balance” Strategy: This involves investing in infrastructure and people while implementing strong antitrust policies to ensure fairer markets.
•	Government Role: The government should guide markets toward national goals, such as decarbonization and housing, rather than leaving them unchecked.
•	Potential Bipartisan Appeal: This vision could unify Democrats and appeal across party lines, challenging both traditional economic policies and rivals like Trump.

Something I have said for 25 years is that the government should be guiding the markets NOT capitalists and “free markets” because in reality, capitalists aren’t guiding anything but are capitalizing everything which gives no way to fulfilling societal requirements and responsibilities.

They are also in reality cannibalizing whole markets and enshittifying them in real time instead of making services and infrastructure better and more available.

Eat the rich.

I know the people who run DD. They have always had trouble and would try sketchy plays to make their festivals happen. They got basically booted from Joshua Tree meditation retreat about 5-6 years ago because their festival was a fucking mess. Like way fucked up. Porta johns over flowing type of fucked.

I have zero sympathy for DD.

Edit: wow closer to 10 years ago.

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Trump’s greatest weakness is women. They always have been. He can’t talk too tough about them because this dude is a momma’s boy larping as a bully. His reaction to every woman who sued him has been lame and weak or nothing at all. Kamala was a slam dunk against this guy because they figured out his weakness and are exploiting it. Doesn’t mean you should sit back and not vote. VOTE and make it a huge landslide for funsies.

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Jewish terrorism in the West Bank. Should have purged those extremists years ago. But we in the US have our own domestic terrorists who keep helping them. We need to eradicate them here too.

Israel gone full on terrorist state now. We should stop giving them weapons and throw Bibi in prison.

I think the Intercept is junk. Jeremy left to make another org btw so yea this is propaganda for whomever paid the bill.

We literally wanted this in 2004-2005 but our parents were to inept too help us out.

Kinzinger is a special kind of stupid.

This game was like playing a movie. Great tempo, great, atmosphere, great music. The concept is great because it’s not just a shooter but a fully immersive experience. The other modes are really fun too. SEGA knocked it out of the park with this one imo. I didn’t want it to end!

If you have ever been to Passover with a Zionist, you know how bad they are. Literally the worst people.

They are like Minnesota nice, all smiles in the front but a knife behind their back.

Spot on. They have a sect called Chabad where you can’t touch, acknowledge or even talk to the women. If that’s not right wing shit baggery idk what is.

Having more people than they were allowed at the retreat. Playing longer than stated. The property was trashed. And other random complaints. Terri was pissed, so were the people living behind the retreat but that’s typical. They hate all of the festivals. This was the first one IIRC. I remember thinking it was a bad idea to have a festival at a retreat. It’s not a ren faire, it’s a drug furled music fest but live and learn.

Don’t forget the E-girls, Trump is also aiming for the E-girls since the loser Gooner boys who are basically privileged Republikids oogle over them constantly.

Losers all of them but they got voting power.

Yea but it has no septic and isn’t actually livable.

Feminism is old and broken and divisive. Feminism doesn’t care for men at all. It’s set up for women.

In the UK when it was first created in 1976 it focused on mens and womens issues correctly but whatever this garbage movement is in the US is an abomination and doesn’t help anyone. Sure it brought problems to light but hasn’t solved shit because it wasn’t meant to. It was meant to keep men and women divided in the US. And it worked great.