Squad Member Summer Lee Says Pelosi Wrong That Harris Should Govern From Center: ‘Progressive Ideals’ Are ‘What Average American Wants’

jeffw@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 815 points –
Squad Member Summer Lee Says Pelosi Wrong That Harris Should Govern From Center: ‘Progressive Ideals’ Are ‘What Average American Wants’

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Pelosi is no political genius. She’s got some parlor tricks but most religious leaders do.

But the fact that my Trump loving family members would vote for Bernie over Trump speaks volumes.

Bernie getting fucked by the DNC was the greatest political blunder in 100 years.

Nobody wants Catholics vs Evangelicals anymore because most people think that shit is garbage.

We want PROGRESSIVES because we want PROGRESS!

Pelosi can fucking go.

She may come off as a darling of the Democrats, but to me, she's just a old boomer who is part of the old guard of politicians who make money being a politician.

She was born in 1940. She's older than the Boomers.

I was shocked by how old she is. Her surgeon is doing amazing work

Her surgeon is probably about as good as your optometrist.

Note they didn't imply she looked young, just that she doesn't look 84, and I'll grant that. She also doesn't look as utterly absurdly surreal as some people who have had work done, so her and her cosmetic surgeon(s) are displaying some degree of restraint about what is realistically worth attempting.

My natural eyes are rather fukt, so yeah I'd agree. They're killing it.

She's 84 and I placed her at late 60s at the convention, as someone who remembers the name 'Pelosi' once every half-year. I guess it was a tag team cage match with her surgeon and beautician vs me and my perception of older women.

I think that's how almost everyone sees her these days. I don't think she's anyone's darling, it's just that she's still rich, powerful, and connected.

I will never forgive the DNC for that. Bernie is salvation. He is pure and impossible to coerce.

I think the establishment knew how much power they would lose and sandbagged him from both sides.

Bernie getting fucked by the DNC was the greatest political blunder in 100 years.

it wasn't the dnc that caused bernie to be completely terrible with voters outside of the northeast and western coasts.

I mean the reason Hillary only ever needed about 30% to win was explicitly the DNC and that same reason depressed turnout for Bernie (super delegates falling in line with party will for Hillary, and announcing their support for her en masse and up front so that Bernie's was already badly losing before the first primary vote was cast, which in turn reduces turnout for him.

As for only selling well on the coasts, I'm in fucking WV and we went 53% for Bernie vs 35% for Hillary which is why Hillary only won WV by one delegate. She got 20% here in the general.

again it's not the dnc's fault that people preferred hillary clinton, who was a long time democratic party member who had lots of sway, over bernie sanders who had no connection to the party at all until he decided to run in 2016.

Again, Hillary only ever needed 30% of the primary vote to win, and there was already reports of Hillary having an unbeatable lead before the first primary vote was cast, which depressed tuenout. Because the super delegates (who literally exist so the DNC as an organization can put their thumb on the scales in the primaries) linesd up behind Hillary out of the gate. Bernie needed a 70+% supermajority of primary voters to vote for him to win, Clinton only needed one in three.

One of the few things I'll give the GOP credit for is that they hold a mostly fair primary and stick by the results, without the ratfucking the DNC does.

One of the few things I’ll give the GOP credit for is that they hold a mostly fair primary and stick by the results, without the ratfucking the DNC does.
