Tulsi Gabbard Completes MAGA Makeover by Endorsing Donald Trump

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 461 points –
Tulsi Gabbard Completes MAGA Makeover by Endorsing Donald Trump

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Our world views differ; I do not agree with your assumptions and smearing.

I also go out of my way to check out and read what I do not agree with.

I suggest checking out independent journalists as an addition to owner-class media you consume.

Voting the lesser evil for decades brought upon this "authoritarian" and "fasism" you keep bringing up.

I see myself as working class before I start to divide myself into tribal wars: blue or red, left or right, liberal or conservative, blood or crip.

I also suggest getting yourself off that moral high horse you see yourself on and joining the working class at the bottom.