Is there a way to check out insane platforms like Telegram and TruthSocial without using their app? to Ask – 38 points –

I sort of want to see what these things are like but I don't want to give them any data or contribute to them in any way haha. I've heard the Queen of Canada uses it which intrigues me


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I'm not in part of the world where telegram is more commonplace but from an outside prospective I've always kind of held the opinion it's more for fringe groups and users who have reasons to hide their conversations. Thinking back that may be largely due to the lack of moderation and it being mentioned in the same sentence as some illegal activities. I can't say whether any of this is true but my uninformed opinion is built upon its association with other unsavory parts of the internet, real or not.

I live in the US, and I have dozens of people from my contacts who have it installed. I don't know how many are actively using it, but it's definitely a common app for people to have.

it’s more for fringe groups and users who have reasons to hide their conversations

Why would Telegram help with that? Telegram isn't private or anonymous. You sign up with a phone number and the company can read every communication you make.

I use it because it's the best mobile messaging app by far. WhatsApp feels like the stone age compared to telegram.