Is there a way to check out insane platforms like Telegram and TruthSocial without using their app? to Ask – 38 points –

I sort of want to see what these things are like but I don't want to give them any data or contribute to them in any way haha. I've heard the Queen of Canada uses it which intrigues me


insane platforms like Telegram

Is telegram considered insane? It's basically just a messaging app that people can form group chats in.

I'm not in part of the world where telegram is more commonplace but from an outside prospective I've always kind of held the opinion it's more for fringe groups and users who have reasons to hide their conversations. Thinking back that may be largely due to the lack of moderation and it being mentioned in the same sentence as some illegal activities. I can't say whether any of this is true but my uninformed opinion is built upon its association with other unsavory parts of the internet, real or not.

I live in the US, and I have dozens of people from my contacts who have it installed. I don't know how many are actively using it, but it's definitely a common app for people to have.

I use it because it's the best mobile messaging app by far. WhatsApp feels like the stone age compared to telegram.

it’s more for fringe groups and users who have reasons to hide their conversations

Why would Telegram help with that? Telegram isn't private or anonymous. You sign up with a phone number and the company can read every communication you make.

Why is Telegram "insane"?

Probably because there is tons of known criminal activity, most chats are not encrypted, the CEO was just arrested, etc.

OP is probably interested in seeing the chaos of the platform without necessarily being part of it. I imagine that’s somehow seeing the illicit activity going on.

I'm interested in the political stuff particularly, I don't really know or hang around any of the people who seem to use it and it would be interesting to be able to see that unfolding.

You always hear about reports of Twitter threads or Telegram communities in the news (like the Queen of Canada) but I sometimes want to actually see things firsthand so I can understand how these people interact. Its like watching a nature documentary almost

Telegram is a messaging app, if you install it you'll be presented with a list of people from your contact list that have it installed as well. You can message these people through the app, and that's about it.

Telegram also supports group chats, and several apps/etc use these group chats for support and discussion. There are also some group chats used for illegal activity, but you can't discover these through the app itself. You would have to get in touch with these groups on another website, and be given an invite link to their telegram chat. The only thing that makes telegram more popular for illegal activity (afaik) is that you can have private group chats without government/telegram oversight.

I totally sympathize with that. As a privacy-conscious person I block the majority of social media domains since they’re used for tracking.

It’s now annoying seeing news articles that embed tweets that I can no longer see, but I shrug it off as part of the cost of privacy. It would be convenient to see the content without necessarily being tracked.

Romana Didulooooh noooooo

Edit: such a shame Dr. Sarteshi isn’t on other social media than Xitter

There she is! Making utilities free for us sovcits!


What a dangerous freak.

Its one of the few ways to communicate without major privacy issues, so of course it attracts criminal activity in some way. The insane part is that it somehow became normal for governments to spy on their citizens to an extent where the CEO of a communications platform is being arrested for not spying on their users.

Oh I know. I was just exploring why someone might call it “insane.” I installed it long ago but quickly uninstalled it when I realized how insecure it is.

Why is Telegram "insane"?

Because you get people who think other people’s opinions are “programmed”, or that those people are “brainwashed”.

Telegram serves useful purposes. Unfortunately, it can also be a breeding ground for the tin foil hat folks.

Where do you NOT get those people?

Good point. Perhaps I should have said something like “Telrgram has a disproportionately high percentage of tin foil hat folks.

OP’s programming mandates it.

Edit: the next step is to accuse anyone who disagrees with that characterization of being a “Russian” or “Chinese” bot or even a “tankie” if I say anything that wouldn’t belong in Bob Dole’s campaign platform from 40 years ago. It’s so pervasive among users that “programming” is the only word I know of that captures how brainwashed into fighting this tribalist “culture war” they actually are.

The Donald subreddit migrated to (that's the url) when it got banned. It's kind of an old reddit clone just filled with more hate. I check it out every so often to see the temperature of trump world and try to get some insight on what my crazy aunt and uncle are thinking about before I see them. I don't think it's as large as the others but you are able to browse it in a web browser.

Is it required to give them useful data? Thinking of using an old smartphone with bogus personal info, single-purpose email account etc.

Telegram is one of the very few services in existence that dont fuck with your data. I dont understand the concern in registering there

Telegram isn't insane, I just use it for piracy

Don't go on any right wing media sites, trust me they'll impact your mental health even if you think they don't because they linger in your mind for a while and that impacts you mentally

Don't waste your mental energy and will only sites like that

Why do you consider telegram private? It's a pretty bad option for that. They are only using true end-to-end encryption when using the explicit "secret chat" feature, which is limited to one-on-one still, afaik.

"Normal"/default encryption gets resolved on telegram servers, so your clear text messages are sitting there for them to do whatever they want. Given that telegram is based in UAE and has knownRussian management influence,I'd be extra hesitant.

It also is for-profit and closed-source for the servers ( only clients are open source), so nobody knows what the servers really do.

If you care about privacy, go use Signal or any Matrix-based messenger such as Element. Especially because they lack zero of the comfort and usability that Telegram offer, but are much more secure.

In Germany a lot of people have Telegram and fheret are many local groups or project related stuff. It's not the dark web, just register and check it out. There is some crazy stuff there as well, sometimes when I'm bored I search for it.

Telegram is frustratingly one of those "privacy focused" apps that for some reason feels entitled to have your phone number and requires you to install their app to use. So yes, you need to give it to them. Some feeds have "previews" which can be viewed in the browser, but I'm not sure how common that is.

Also, doesn't Canada have a king now? Do they still recognise the UK royalty as heads of state, or did that change?

Also, doesn't Canada have a king now? Do they still recognise the UK royalty as heads of state, or did that change

OP isn't talking about our old gal Lizzie, they're talking about the queen of Canada Romana Didulo, who leads a QAnon-based cult and tours around Canada with them in an RV. Here's an excerpt from her Wikipedia article about her claims to the throne:

Though Didulo did not initially explain the basis for her claim to be the Monarch of Canada, she later clarified that she had been "appointed" to that position by an American named David J. Carlson, purportedly the "Commander-In-Chief" and "King" of the United States. Didulo claims that Carlson appointed her after she led in 2017 a mission against the Chinese communist military, who were allegedly occupying Canada in underground tunnels, where they were producing adrenochrome, trafficking humans and planning to start World War III by attacking the United States.

Telegram is not private at all. Nothing is encrypted except Secret Chat.

It pretends to be privacy focused, but because everything but 1-to-1 secret chats (where you have compared session identifiers) are accessible to the company and they keep logs of all group chats which they can access (even if they claim they can't, that's bullshit)

Reddit has subreddits for 4chan and Truth Social. You'd be getting a curated snapshot, but it would let you view without making an account.