Banning TikTok Won’t Keep Your Data Safe | Pompous billionaires, authoritarian regimes, and opaque oligarchs are hoarding our data. Only an alternative online ecosystem will stop them. to – 456 points –

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Banning TikTok never had anything to do with "protecting your data".

You are correct. TikTok uses Oracle servers in the USA with a backup server in Singapore. The FCC made sure data does not got to China.

You are incorrect. Id be the dumbest motherfucker to believe that China isn't slurping that data up in tens of different ways. TikTok has the backing and approval of the CCP, so that to me is suspicion enough. Don't try to obfuscate shit behind shell companies and undercover CCP operatives in advantageously-aligned countries.

advantageously-aligned countries.

Like the USA? Already slurping up data first?