ADHD Rule to – 879 points –

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Methamphetamine is literally used as a treatment for ADHD. It's also fairly easy to get a hold of amphetamine on the darknet which is used in things like Adderall. It honestly isn't that bad of an idea to try amphetamine or even methamphetamine if you actually know the correct dosage range. Recreational users would typically start at a higher dosage than someone looking for medicinal effects. Over time though medical users can end up on a similar dosage to a recreational user due to tolerance.

This isnt a good thing like you think it is

Care to explain this statement?

You are saying how easy it is to get meth and how good it is, think bro.

I am more talking about amphetamine rather than methamphetamine. Chemically it's the same as Adderall, and you can find actual Adderall from the darknet or dealers as well.

Everyone's different but I'll just tell you I had the exact same thoughts and fast forward 5-6 years after that thought I was literally shooting up meth in socal under bridges homeless as fuck...I was terrified of needles too, hated getting shots could barely stand it but amphetamines can super duper take you soooo many places you don't want to go.

Be careful and talk your plans over with a mentor/someone you trust please

The problem is that the purity of the drug you're getting is not guaranteed or regulated at all. For a lot of recreational/street drugs, the bigger problem is often the filler and crap they get cut with. If you're paying enough for actually reliably pure drugs, you might as well just pay out of pocket for the psychiatrist and avoid the risk of drug charges.

Yes it's not an ideal solution. If it's between self medicating with other drugs versus getting the thing you should be prescribed with through illicit means I would choose the latter. Ideally healthcare would be free everywhere and getting a diagnosis wouldn't take literal years or even a decade. That's unfortunately not the world we live in. I have friends that were referred years ago on the NHS and are still waiting.