Tulsi Gabbard Completes MAGA Makeover by Endorsing Donald Trump

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 461 points –
Tulsi Gabbard Completes MAGA Makeover by Endorsing Donald Trump

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It's not just the US. It's "The West" as a whole.

There's good evidence that Russia was behind the pro-Brexit sentiment in the UK as well.


Supported by the top UK Google searches immediately following the vote:


"What is the EU?"

"What is Brexit?"

There's good evidence that Russia was behind the pro-Brexit sentiment in the UK as well.

You mean that Russia supported pro-Brexit sentiment, right?

You're not saying Russia was the source of pro-Brexit sentiment, are you?

If they hadn't supported it, it would not have gone anywhere as the Google searches showed the general public in the UK neither knew or cared what the EU or Brexit actually were.

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