How can I get YouTube to not offer rage-inducing stuff? to Ask – 138 points –

Currently in the US elections are featured in my YouTube feed, and not factual content but rage inducing.

How can I filter that?


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I have a question

Why is election stuff rage inducing? Like what’s an example of a thumbnail you would see that would induce rage?

Example: Thumbnail with Trump and some other guy i dont know, big caption: "OH MY GOD!" Video title: "Trump Released the MOST EMBARRASSING Video EVER & You HAVE to Watch it! | Bulkwark Takes"

I assume it is designed to induce rage.

I highly recommend the DeArrow extension. I was on a waiting list after installing, for a few days, and then once I got access it has made the entire YouTube experience much better.

The extension removes clickbait thumbnails (replacing them with a part of the video itself), and clickbait titles are replaced with more accurate descriptions. It's all done by a big community, so the more popular videos are likely to have the edits, however overall it certainly is a better experience for me.


That is clickbait nonsense. I think it’s designed to induce as revenue. I generally don’t watch and avoid all versions of it, electoral and not (“You won’t BELIEVE what this HERO CAT did for Pennsylvania mother of 3”)… I get what you’re saying and it’s dumb but why does it cause you rage?

For me, it does not induce rage but depression because it makes me sad. I don't even need to watch it.

If seeing dumb video thumbnails on YouTube impacts your mood I think you need to stay away from YouTube.