DankPods just switched to Linux!!!

Hellfire103@lemmy.ca to Linux@lemmy.ml – 521 points –
It's time for change, it's time for Linux.

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ca/post/27756512

(Apologies if the link doesn't work; Google are dicks)


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You haven't watched this video, then ;)

I did... he tosses out a ton of misinformation about how hard Linux is. The fact he decided to "stay and endure the hardship" doesn't mean the message he is pushing is sadly misinformed

Don't be too quick to judge yet, he just doesn't know what he doesn't know.

Totally get it... but sadly, other people who follow him would listen to his vids and conclude "Linux is too inconvenient for me" based on mistaken info

"linux is hard" is a subjective opinion and he is entitled to it. it does not make it misinformation. he is free to express his frustrations at the learning curve, just like any learning curve in any other software.

I agree, but there is a big difference in saying "I don't know what to do, I need to learn this new thing" vs "there is a scary part to Linux and there is no way around it"

Saying "driving manual is hard" is fine, saying "you need to learn to shift gears without a clutch to drive" is wrong and would scare potential drivers