Paying for software is stupid… 10 free and open-source SaaS replacements to Open – 219 points –
- YouTube

Remember, for every paid SaaS, there is a free open-source self-hosted alternative. Let's take a look at 10 FOSS tools designed to replace popular tools like MS Office, Notion, Heroku, Vercel, Zoom, Adobe, and more.


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Paying for software is not inherently stupid. Bad and misleading title.

Agreed, you are paying for it to be someone else's problem to fix.

I support them adding ads and commercials into their products like pop ups and stuff or they can sell my information

It's just clickbait, which is unavoidable on youtube if you want your video to be seen by more than 5 people. I don't blame the creator for it tbh, especially because this title is not really misleading, just an opinion.

One if the reasons why I avoid YouTube completely.

I agree. Now I'll go back to watching youtube videos on my payed Grayjay.

What's Grayjay?

An alternative video client. Mostly known for pulling add free youtube. But you can have several sources like patreon or nebula. The app is free and source available but they ask you to buy a license if you like it. It's made/supportes by futo

Edit: changed "open source" to "source available"

@Stitch0815 @Engywuck

> Grayjay Core License 1.0

nope, that's not open-source

Ah thanks A bit more context would have been nice but anyway

I was not aware of the distinction.

Grayjay is source available. But you are essentially not allowed to do anything with/to it.

Not triggered by this emotional outrage bait

it either costs your time or money or both. There is no situation where anything is free.

I'm currently fixing, not mine, repos. I have the skill level to fix other coders design issues. One at a time.

This is costing me time. Not just in doing the work, but all the time leading up to gaining the skillset to be at this level.

Put a price tag on that. (i'm not boasting; actually having to do this grind)