what are the best and worst Halloween candy to receive?

Ellia Plissken@lemm.ee to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 54 points –

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Best: Subjective.

Worst: religous pamphlets proletizing the youth because the religous must target those without fully functioning brains lest their numbers dwindle.

I see no one has mentioned Swedish fish yet. Always felt they were so freaking waxy they tasted like nothing. Probably not the worst though.

I recently tried a "European" swedish fish by Kolsvart, and they are way better.

I'm sorry but propaganda does not technically count as candy.

To be fair I once got 5 dimes wrapped in a little black mesh thing. It was lame as hell, but they did make an effort so I didn't complain. But even back in the late 80s/early 90s, 50ยข wasn't really useful, even for a kid.