Ellia Plissken

@Ellia Plissken@lemm.ee
16 Post – 276 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

i'm probably baked

oh shit

the onboard AI is a little stupid, but it fertilizes the lawn as it cuts.

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yes people are aware that sheep don't actually run on artificial intelligence.

the reason you were able to download it is because other people were seeding it. that's why seeding is helpful


ok fine when's the vp debate that should be fire

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omg a beardless beardie

egg white is 90% water. it doesn't take much to drastically alter water

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whatever it is, it will be behind a paywall.

it's time for judges to get a fucking wakeup call. the amount of authority they have in a courtroom feels like the leftover vestiges of the English monarchy that are supposed to technically exist but not actually be exercised

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$1,300 on an OLED television. literally everything on earth just looks better

nah i say wuh-man and wih-min

kicking heroin

that's good shit man, thanks

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this sounds like high school.

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time to open fraud complaints with your credit card company

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I like the idea that he's so powerful and vengeful that he's returning from the grave to fuck with Europeans

somebody else's kidney

I've been told that it's analyzing your behavior from right before you click the button

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but I'll get that confused with the day that we celebrate the lunar excursion module from Apollo 11

we had a handyman working on the house once and he asked my dad if he had a grinder and my dad brought out this hand cranked grind wheel

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and they can never present a unified front

a cat. I would like my superpower to be that everybody treats me like a cat

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one of the sisters is trans and the other is a Republican

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oh man pixie sticks are like summoning a demon

I saw a meme earlier that said we had more than a credit card worth of plastic just in our brains so I'm going to say yes

so I made this post.

I wasn't asking the COs

gee I wonder how long it will be before I can download the custom patches to get around this

I frequently see the statistic that men commit something like 90% of homicides, but then you'll notice that the clearance rate for homicide in this country is below 50%. makes you wonder

just release the dash cam footage

imagine we find out Boeing really did build that submersible

the leather is incredibly durable.

it's english

see how many of them it takes to hold a single 4K image

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there goes my retirement plan.

there are like 15 billionaires out there all conspiring together not to give me over a million dollars. I can sue them for trust activity right?

various torrent sites.
