what's your favorite thing to put ketchup on that isn't fries?

Ellia Plissken@lemm.ee to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 79 points –

There is like a 50% hit rate on reading comprehension of your 11-word question.

What type of food, without the answer being fries, do you find is complimented by ketchup.

Which tomato-based condiment base is most delictable when said condiment is added to the base, where such a base is not potato fries based?

A trash heap where it fucking belongs.

There isn't a thing that you can put ketchup on that a good BBQ sauce or hot sauce isn't better on. I will die on this hill.

Jokes on you, the trash heap is now deliciously seasoned.

It's a good hill. Stubbs' Spicy BBQ for me, or I'm going hungry.


That's just shredded fries!

Sometimes! I make mine with onions, peppers, and carrots. My favorite diner doesn't shred them, just slices them thin. Some places bake them instead of frying them, too. There's a hashbrown for every occasion, they're not just tinier french fries.

Also, okay, I know it's relatively rare to french your fries these days, but it's even more unheard of to french a hashbrown. (I'd totally eat a frenched hashbrown, though.)

1 more...
1 more...

Hard poached eggs topped with cheddar cheese.

I also use ketchup as an additive in cabbage rolls, sloppy joes, or chili, barbecue sauce.

Meat loaf, Japanese omelet rice.

Hmmm, I assume the usual hamburger/hotdog isn't what you're looking for.

I think the least common thing I put ketchup on is kraft mac n cheese. Don't do it every time, but every now and then, when I'm having the standard, package only mac n cheese, I'll put a dab on there.

Can't use much, or it sucks. But the kind of amount you might drop as you're taking a bite of something else, that works great. That's how I found out I liked it, back as a kid.

I will put ketchup on mac & cheese, of any kind, no matter how old your grandmother's recipe is. did it right in front of my Italian potential mother-in-law too, there are certain things that have to be established early in the relationship.

Have you tried salsa? That's my favorite thing to put on any mac & cheese.

I've upgraded from ketchup on my mac and cheese (we call it Kraft Dinner here in Canada) to using Bullseye barbeque sauce. Adds a little bit more flavour.

I've done it with bbq sauce before, and I ain't mad at it, but it doesn't work the same way for me.

Even though I'll incur the wrath of all Italians I do like to put ketchup on my pasta when I don't have the time/energy/ingredients to make a proper sauce. Even better with shredded cheese.

make sure to break your spagehtti during cooking and cut them with a knife when eating

I've been using a pair of scissors to cut my spagetti, a knife would probably be way easier to clean. Thanks for the tip, I'll let everyone know how it goes!

Spaghetti and Swedish meatballs topped liberally with ketchup is a childhood staple food in Sweden. It's honestly not bad, highly inoffensive food, fit for picky eaters.

I still get that when I visit my Norwegian mother. Though she usually uses spirelli instead of spaghetti.

And of course the vastly superior Norwegian meatballs. 😋

Why not just buy sauce and keep it for when you don't feel like making it

Then I have good sauce. So I will eat it. Until it is gone. Then I eat ketchup.

I prefer spaghetti with ketchup and shredded cheese to ones with a bolognesse sauce.

So far I manage to hide from the Italian death squad.

My eggs in the morning.

The night before I mix two eggs with a little milk and put it in a microwavable mug. Then microwave it for 30 seconds, stir and repeat twice. It creates a round slab of egg that I put on a piece of buttered toast with ketchup spread on it.

If you put them in a bowl, with a shot glass in the center, then microwave; you have an egg ready for a bagel

The night before I mix two eggs with a little milk and put it in a microwavable mug. Then microwave it for 30 seconds, stir and repeat twice. It creates a round slab of egg that I put on a piece of buttered toast with ketchup spread on it.

Yuk. That would be cold and soggy by the next morning lol

Pretty sure they cook them in the morning

Damn straight

I don't get it. What's the point of doing any of that the night before?

Saves time in the morning as opposed to the evening. Like only a minute or two but any time I can save in the morning I'll take.

I don't hate ketchup but there is always something else I would rather have including with fries.

As a hispanic person, ketchup on fried plantains was common for me growing up.

Real answer:

  • Open a can of tuna and mix it in
  • Salad. Yes, I know. Yes it tastes great.

What the fuck

Just try it

Ketchup on canned tuna, yeah, I've done it. I'd rather have some mayo and sriracha on it, but it's not that bad.

Ketchup on salad though, I can imagine it, I don't remember if I've actually tried it, but unless we're talking about sweet salads (like ones made out of condensed milk, all-purpose cream, canned fruit cocktail, gelatin cubes and the works), I don't think it's actually that hideous. Heck, I even think it'd go okay with something like potato salad!

with potato salad, definitely works -- it's not that far off french fries

With a finely cut salad (read: celery, tomatoes, rocket/kale/cabbage, and a shaved carrot, dressed lightly in olive oil and citrus juice), tomato ketchup turns the salad into a cold stew of sorts, and... it just works

Kati roll is a dish from Kolkata, it's alternative name is 'frankie' in Mumbai - don't ask me why it has a western-sounding name. Goes really well with tomato ketchup. Real easy to make - put roti over a half-wet masala tawa-omelette, add some vegetables as the filling, and there ya go.

Fried chicken, mostly. But ketchup goes well with a lot of fried food imo.

Omg you just unlocked childhood memories of eating fried chicken with ketchup. It's been decades. I need to try that again.

There's even a famous place here that serves chicken with banana ketchup by default, and fried sweet potato fries available as a side. And it's actually a decent pairing!

Fried chicken. Also try mixing ketchp and worcestershire sauce and dip your chicken in it before taking a bite.

We mix ketchup and Worcestershire and put it on meatloaf. And then we make more to dip the meatloaf in while eating.

The fish part of fish and chips. No thanks on the malt vinegar. Y'all can keep your dirty foot water away from my fishies thanks.

Hot dogs, hamburgers, eggs

My weird one, least Mac and cheese

One time I made pasta for myself and a friend (also roommate). The sauce a bit spicy, with herbs, simmered for a while. One of my favorites. We sat down to eat and he said “yum this is so delicious.” Then he got up, walked to the fridge, grabbed the ketchup, and squeezed it all over the pasta and sauce.

Sausage gravy. Sprinkle some dots of ketchup on it and it's tangy savory good.

The only food where ketchup is close to king is hamburgers. But Piri Piri and Heinz57 sauce are both better.

Ketchup is good on hot dogs along with mustard, but mustard is superior.

Actually, I thought of one: a Philly style steak sandwich.

Ketchup is good on hot dogs

Chicago would like a word with you...


...In a dark alley...

Chicago dogs are their own thing, though. The rest of the ingredients other than the mustard have a combined flavor profile similar to ketchup: ketchup is basically a poor man Chicago dog.

Also, their poppy sees hot dog buns are a weird pick.

I put Sriracha on my philly cheese steaks. it's the only thing I put it on regularly these days

I’ve never been the hugest Sriracha fan. Sriracha paste is better than the sauce, but I’d rather do any other hot sauce.

On Fire.

The stuff stinks. If the devil has blood it would be tomato sauce.

i have so many spare sachets of ketchup from mcdonalds, and recently i've been experimenting with them to make a good sauce to mix into plain noodles. ketchup, sweet soy sauce, paprika, chili oil, chili flakes, toss in some random spices, and that's a good noodle sauce.

before finding that combination, i've gotten quite a few that were way less palatable.

my alternate answer is spaghetti, just to piss off the italians.

Was at a cookout last weekend where I met a bunch of Italians. I just moved to CT where seafood pizza is apparently a thing so I had to ask them. Boooooy, did that ever get them started. And then I said I also like pineapple on my pizza.

I do a mixture of ketchup, mayo, garlic powder, onion powder, and msg, and slap that on cold cut sandwiches!

Spaghetti when I want to upset Italians. Truth is it's pretty good

Not me, but my girlfriend's son (7) loves it on corn on the cob.

Plain Rice and Spaghetti Ezine Cheese (Turkish white) sandwich

Nar is the cheese you want to put on spaghetti, not ezine. It's at least similar to parmejan

Bacon. Chips. Steak and kidney pie.

Or on a pepper steak pie ⋎(❉_❉)⋎. Cutting off the top, putting the sauce in there and mixing it in with the gravy. Tasty.

Hawaii pizza.

And plain leftover rice along with mayo.

Fresh used napkin and tissue squeezings. Bonus points if the user had a cold.

Hotdogs, hamburgers, I like a little Shepherd's pie with my ketchup, tourtière (Quebec mince pie).

I used to mix it in with fried rice that'd been left sitting out for too long and turned really dry. Gives it some moisture and a vinegary edge, but probably not for everyone, since ketchup's trademark is stomping all over the subtle flavors of a dish.

When I was in elementary school, I'd dip my pizza crusts in ketchup at lunchtime. I still do that every now and then with Sriracha ketchup

Also, same elementary school lunch: on pizza days, they also used to give us a side of tricolor fusilli straight-up. Just plain pasta without even so much as a little olive oil. So, fuck it. It got blasted with 'chup.

that first one made me cringe a little, but anybody who can reactivate cold fried rice can do whatever they want

Hmm, I put ketchup on scrambled eggs in the morning.

Samurai Sauce. Kinda like flavored mayonnaise.

Mustard. Mustard. Mustard.

Ketchup and fries isn't even that good. Mustard and fries is where it's at.

Mayo. But honestly I don't eat it for the fries, I would chug mayo if I could

Wait you didn't change the question did you?? I certainly read that wrong..

For the answer: nothing, ketchup sucks


you put ketchup on your ranch?

LMAO reading mistake.. I thought it was about putting something else in the fries instead ketchup.

There is another thread for that question, actually.