What's A Piece Of Software You Could Never Do Without?

wuphysics87@lemmy.ml to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 233 points –

FOSS or otherwise


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Going back to a "normal" text editor after using Vim for a few years would be horrible

Life without qBittorrent would also be pretty difficult, hell no, I'm not paying for DRM content that requires proprietary software to watch

After 20 years on vi/m, I recently moved to vscode with vim plugin and I have to admit.. I really like it.

Check out zed or lapce. Both are open source but native editors as opposed to chromium with near first class vim support. Much faster but less stable as neither are 1.0 yet. Additionally they have great LSP features.

That being said I just can't give up my vim and terminal workflow but I'm actively following both projects.