Chaos in France after Macron refuses to name prime minister from leftwing coalition to World – 379 points –
Chaos in France after Macron refuses to name prime minister from leftwing coalition

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Exactly those are the views you mentioned. All these are extremely expensive and financing all of them without the debt increase is practically impossible. Combine it with almost no relevant plans how to improve economy and you have got quite a dangerous situation. You cannot just spend money without earning it.

That's not how modern monetary policy works, by the way. The US dollar has a ton of power worldwide for many reasons, so we determine what our money is worth, period. This is why every time the US government has spent money on "demand side" solutions (stimulus checks, etc.) they have provided nothing but upside.

This little trick that capitalists don't want you to know about: it's all bullshit. They want us to keep injecting cash into failing banks rather than just paying for people's garbage mortgages.

We owe nothing to nobody because those debts will never be paid (who would they even be paid to?).

There is zero practical reason (beyond "oh no, billionaires and multinational corporations need to pay taxes wahhh") that we cannot spend as much money as we like on every social program we like. Prove me wrong (or just read about "Modern Monetary Theory" as I'm not an economist).

Have you heard about what happened to greece?

For example, one third of population lived in poverty (in Greece) due to economic crisis. Is that not enough to take responsible money management seriously?

Raising the standard of living and improving the purchasing power of the individual DOES improve the economy because it enables more people to spend more on foods and services. They are financed by raising taxes on the ultra wealthy and corporations. The money is already earned, the difference it whether it gets pocketed and horded by executives or recirculated into the economy by improving the standard of living of the populace

Those ultra wealthy people and corporations are not that stupid. If they see they can exist and pay less in a different country, they will just move. Everyone will be happy apart from the country which rose the taxes.

Of course that rising living standards improves economy but not in a way where you just sponsor good housing for your whole population.

Not true, High Taxes Don't Make Rich People Move

Europe disagrees, infact they site that increasing access to good public housing is critical for the economy going forward

Well sure they don’t flee New York, California and other places where despite high taxes they can still make large amounts of money. Simply because most of development is there. If they can make 50k a month and pay 50% taxes in NY (just an example) compared to 10k and 10% taxes somewhere else (they would just stay).

However, this is not California/NY and you can easily check what high taxes do here. People register companies in Ireland and Cyprus, so they can pay the least taxes possible. Then, due to european union being european union, they can operate in their home country.

We've already established that taxes on the rich/corporations that are used to improve the standard of living of the citizens of the country does increase development and stimulate the economy. Do you have any sources to back up your views? Because so far they don't seem based on any real world data

Let the capitalists flee, easier than rounding them up. The workers will still be there, and the workers are the economy

Yes, let the capitalists flee, so there is no one to pay the taxes. That seems like a very wise plan.

In addition, every company needs just workers. Management, engineers and so on are practically useless.

This would surely work very well.

Hint: You can actually see how brilliantly it worked during 1940s-1990s in the countries under Warsaw pact.

lol managers and engineers aren't workers TIL

So essentially no one can leave then? First you say that capitalists should leave but workers stay. Then you say managers and engineers are workers…

So essentially you want everyone to stay?

I see you don't understand the most basic division between the working class and the owning class

You have no class consciousness.

I feel bad that I mocked you earlier, you don't have clear ideas about what capitalism is, what the working class is, or how our economic system is based on economic dictatorship by wealthier people over poorer people.

Socialism is about making the economy into a democracy, you don't want your private life or public life controlled by a dictator, why your work life? That's half your waking hours. You're living in a dictatorship for half the time you're conscious.

The workers should own what they produce, that includes management, it includes "skilled" labor and "unskilled" labor. It includes everyone but the shareholders and private owners who are a parasite.