What are all the ethnic foods you've ever eaten?

Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.ee to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – -5 points –

There are some exotic foods we tend to take for granted exist. Almost every city for example has a Chinese restaurant, a Mexican restaurant, and maybe an Outback Steakhouse. But this isn't universal for some reason. Someone asked me if I wanted to go to an Egyptian restaurant and I was like "wait, they have restaurants?"

A question for all those who would say they consider themselves ethnically fluent. What are all the cultural categories of food you've had?


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I don’t want to inappropriately appropriate so I only eat white food:

  • rice
  • italian bread
  • french bread
  • naan
  • mashed potatoes
  • french fries with albino ketchup
  • sugar
  • splenda (no packet)
  • cocaine
  • egg whites
  • peeled radishes
  • mozzarella cheese
  • feta cheese
  • cheese sticks
  • string cheese
  • cheese powder
  • cheese product
  • popcorn
  • etc

Does that exclude water, considering water is blue?

Water is blue?

Isn’t that from the sunlight and absorbing other colours?

When it’s in a glass it’s clear.

That's an optical illusion. That's like saying the sky isn't blue just because you can see into the sky.

The sky isn’t blue. It’s the angle of the sun and the blue wavelength of light making it to our eyes.

At a different angle the sky is quite red or orange.

Turns out the color of everything has to do with different angles at which light travels through it.

Apples are red because the other wavelengths get bent into the 6th dimension and become electronic energy.

I churn the water before I drink it

How does that change its colour?

Turns it into white water

If you didn't have a churner, would you just die of thirst?

There’s always milk

Yeah, but you can't live on milk.

That’s why my list includes bread

I mean you can't have milk and just water. Milk has things in it that wouldn't be good for someone in as much excess as someone needs water.

I try to only drink it from white boobs, so it’s got balanced nutrition. It’s my substitute since I cant have chocolate or banana soylent.

You can't live on breast milk either, plus it would lead to abnormal growth and you'd need to alternate between women as we don't have an infinite supply of breast milk in our bodies.

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