Noob Question Thread: Ask Any Questions About Linux!

Cyclohexane@lemmy.mlmod to – 140 points –

Ever had a question about Linux but felt too afraid to ask? Well now's your chance, ask any question about Linux, no matter how noob or repeated it is, and I and others will help answer them.

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Don't listen to this guy, use GNU Guix.

Real talk, I want to try Guix but I have not successfully installed it on any hardware, including VMs. This includes with nonguix for proprietary drivers and stuff. I can never get past install, it always just craps out on some substitution thing. Am I just stupid?

So what happens, does it just not boot? Any error messages?

Tried, but it didn't support my disk encryption, LUKS2. I intended to stick Guix in a BTRFS subvolume, but didn't succeed.