French libs right now to Lefty – 703 points –

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He is saying:

Left is Bernie Sanders

the democrats are the center (leaning right)

the republican are the right.

From the rest of the world point of view: US politics is center right VS extreme right.

The large majority of democrats want progressive reform, so that's just wrong. There is a reason Bernie only caucuses with the Democrats.

The large majority of Democratic voters absolutely do. However the large majority of Democratic donors do not and are at odds with the voter base of the Democratic party.

User "Keep on Stalin" wants to villainize US Politicians by association, explicitly not vote history.

What? There is some conflicting information. On polls, the donors do poll more liberal, which you can see in the first link. Yet on actual policies, they are less supportive than voters, which you can see in the second link.

Oh I'm sorry, I guess you're changing your argument from Democrats being on the center-rogjt to Democrats being not left enough. Admittedly a much more reasonable argument.

But in order to not admit being wrong you're just shifting the goal post by saying left isn't actually left unless it's as left as your arbitrary placement on the spectrum, which is further than socialized healthcare, higher taxes on the rich, and higher minimum wages. Those are just Centrists.

I apologize for putting you on the spot like that. I'm sure it was very distressing. My bad.

I literally just corrected myself with sources, what do you want dude

My apologies I hadn't realised you changed stances, I thought you were using those sources to argue in favor of your previous point. Notably with how you said theres a disconnect between supporters and policy.

There is a difference between donors and voters, I gave two sources that showed that. The difference was whether it came to general questions about Policy, where donors give more liberal answers, or actual policy, which voters were more in support of than the donors. It's not as clear as I initially thought, but there is still a difference, probably due to the wealth disparity between donors and voters