Who would win in a fight, all of the lions or all of the ants?

gedaliyah@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 58 points –

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I just imagine lions covered in ants from tail to nose.

Your scale is off; imagine an Olympic sized swimming pool filled with ants with a lion in there somewhere.

Now imagine 39,000 of those pools, each with its own lion and ants.

That doesn't seem like a lot of lions :(

It’s not. But being an apex predator, there weren’t a lot even when their range covered most of Africa, Europe and the Middle East.

Now that's a visual. All the thrashing a lion could do until it dies of exhaustion would barely make a dent in the ant population.

Man, elon musk is getting real weird with his hobby of building pools just to fill them with ants and lions.

Why's he need so many, anyways???