Harris Claims She Worked at McDonald's in College. Here's What We Know

Verdant Banana@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – -9 points –
Harris Claims She Worked at McDonald's in College. Here's What We Know

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris has repeatedly claimed that she worked at McDonald's while getting her undergraduate degree in the 1980s. This claim has been reported by multiple reputable news outlets, but aside from Harris' own testimony, there is no independent evidence such as a photo, employment record, or confirmation from a friend or family member to verify the story. Harris has invoked the alleged McDonald's work experience throughout her political career, including in a 2024 presidential campaign ad and during a 2024 appearance on "The Drew Barrymore Show." Other prominent Democrats, such as former President Bill Clinton, have also repeated the anecdote. However, some internet users have challenged the claim, with unverified reports that "McDonald's Corporate sources" have no record of Harris working at their locations. Snopes reached out to Harris' campaign and McDonald's headquarters seeking evidence to corroborate the claim, but as of the report's publication, no such proof has been uncovered. Without tangible evidence to independently confirm or debunk the story, Snopes has rated the claim "Research In Progress" as they continue to investigate.


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Dude says he is woke-free in his description.... And everything in his profile is about recognizing systematic flaws. Which is the definition of woke I last saw used in court cases. Claims to be a socialist but ties it to workers.. We've seen that before somewhere huh?

He's disingenuous. If you mention any of the realities of FPTP you get bold-texted diatribes; "YOU, sir, are a scale on the back of the TWO-HEADED SNAKE."

He is either a MAGA cosplaying as a lefty or one of the authoritarian "leftists" who love state capitalist nations.

If calling out the duopoly and its stranglehold on democracy makes you uncomfortable, maybe it's because deep down, you know it's true.

I'm neither MAGA nor a fan of state capitalism—I'm here to fight for the working class and challenge the broken system that both major parties prop up.

If that makes you uneasy, maybe it's time to reflect on why. Seems like I touched a nerve for you.

Challenge the broken system by doing exactly what MAGA is urging people to do, sure thing. Why are you so offended that you're seeking out comments I didn't even write to you? It's because you know I am right.

Challenge the broken system by doing exactly what MAGA is urging people to do, sure thing.

It’s telling that you’re so quick to imply that I'm playing into MAGA’s hands, but I’m starting to wonder if it’s you who’s the real MAGA agent here. Your eagerness to defend the corrupt duopoly while throwing out baseless accusations reeks of someone desperate to keep people in line with the status quo. I think that you’re the one following the MAGA playbook, trying to silence anyone who dares to challenge the broken system you so dearly want to protect.

you’re seeking out comments I didn’t even write to you?

I'm not seeking anything out. As I was replying to another comment, I noticed yours. That's how this Lemmy thing works.

It's amusing how you try to twist words and mock what you don’t understand.

Recognizing systematic flaws isn’t "woke"—it’s being awake to the reality of exploitation and injustice that workers have faced for centuries.

Call it what you want, but if standing with the working class against oppression bothers you, then maybe you should reconsider which side of history you're on.

"To me, it means someone who believes that there are systemic injustices in the criminal justice system"

Was the last use I know of in the courts. Thereby you are woke if you side with the injustices against the working class.

People who are anti woke: Trump, Desantis, MTG, and you. Who seems to be a fascist hiding behind a veil.

People who are anti woke: Trump, Desantis, MTG, and you. Who seems to be a fascist hiding behind a veil.

Dude, I'm a proud socialist. What are you even going on about?!

The vast, vast majority of my posts are for workers rights, socialist causes, union issues, and education. What part of that makes me seem like I like Trump or that I am a fascist?! Like what?! lolol

I've contributed over 200 posts and comments to the Lemmy socialist community I created and that I mod. I'm a member of the Socialist Workers Party, and I support them financially. You can check out the sub here:


and see my post history here:


I moderate socialists is the defense? That's what the NAZI's did mate, maybe social workers unite is not your best term.

I moderate socialists is the defense? That’s what the NAZI’s did mate, maybe social workers unite is not your best term.

So, now you’re comparing moderating a socialist forum to the heinous crimes of the Nazis? Say what, mate?! WTF is wrong with you?!

That’s the kind of twisted logic the capitalist overlords feed to those too scared to stand against them!

If you think standing up for workers' rights and moderating a space where true revolutionary ideas can flourish makes me anything like those monsters, then you’ve lost all sense of reality.

Maybe it’s time you examine whose agenda you’re truly serving, because it sure as hell isn’t the working class. Wow. Just wow.

Maybe it’s time you examine whose agenda you’re truly serving, because it sure as hell isn’t the working class. Wow. Just wow.

So whose agenda do you think I am serving by being socialist? Don't be vague, come on, just say it. Say it out loud. You realize I didn't write nor did post this article, right?!

So who's agenda am I serving? What huge socialist overlord am I serving?

Horatio Nelson.

Horatio Nelson.

I don't know who that is or what that means. The only thing I found on him was Wikipeida saying that "He is widely regarded as one of the greatest naval commanders in history."

Yeah, he out maneuver the French/Spanish fleet at Trafalgar and turned the tide of the war against Napoleon in England's favor. Lead the charge if I remember, died after being shot by a French soldier. Arguably it is what gave them the upper hand and set the stage for a victory at Waterloo by the Duke of Wellington to end what we call the Napoleonic wars.

I've never actually had beef wellington... Do you recommend it?