Have you ever tasted your pet's food?

over_clox@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 15 points –

Looking past the recent vegan drama, have you ever wondered why your pet might not like particular foods? Have you ever actually tasted the food yourself?

I have, and some taste more like a chemistry lab than actual nutrition.


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I mean, animals don't necessarily experience taste in the same ways humans do. What tastes terrible to me may still be very appealing to a dog or cat etc., regardless of taste.

The way my dog licks his balls you'd think they taste really good, but they didn't taste great to me

A dog eats poop. That might as well say that taste is experienced very differently.

You got a dumbass dog then, our adopted stray dog won't even shit anywhere near our apartment, let alone try eating it..

True. Still, have you ever tasted a chemistry set?

I did when I was 10 years old. It's a wonder I'm still alive. Raw chemicals are not nutrition.

What constitues chemicals for you? I agree with your point- if your dog doesn't like the treat and you find it tastes unnatural, I agree it's maybe a bad treat/crappy quality treat.

But "chemical" is not really a descriptor for taste- everything is chemicals. Sugar is a chemical. There are chemicals in natural foods such as meats, veggies, fruits, it's all chemicals. I think you're trying to say that the treats taste unnatural or overly processed?

Maybe you're right, maybe 'chemical' wasn't the best way to describe it. I can definitely agree that those treats tasted completely unnatural.

I mean like they taste like they were soaked in diesel fuel and dried out unnatural. That's why I described it as a chemical taste.