Instead of Ignoring Trans Rights at DNC, Dems Should’ve Vowed to Protect Them to politics – 8 points –

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Oh so Democrats are adopting policies to intentionally harm trans people now? To you not campaigning on something automatically means the candidate will work against that thing?

Oh so Democrats are adopting policies to intentionally harm teams people now?

They came around on immigration. They'll come around on trans rights. Wonder who's next.

What is the cost of trans to society? Because there is in fact a cost to not keeping a minimum of control over how many people and who can immigrate to a country, so it's perfectly normal to want people to get in through the regular process instead of jumping a wall.

You've adopted Republican talking points about immigration. You'll do the same with trans people.

It's not a Republican talking point, it's a pragmatic talking point. Just like you don't give birth without the State knowing about it so they know who lives where and is entitled to what, you don't want people immigrating without knowing about it and filtering the people coming in to catch the few that shouldn't be allowed in the country at all.

Progressive parties all over the world have the same point of view, immigration needs to happen but it needs to be done correctly.

It’s not a Republican talking point

It 100% is. Which Republican talking points are you gonna adopt when (not if, WHEN) Democrats show their true colors to trans people like they have to the undocumented?

Show me one country with a progressive party in power where they've just opened their border to anyone and everyone.

If housing is already problematic what do you do about the increased demand from opening the border?

If social services are already having issues keeping up with the population in place how do you deal with the increased demand from opening the border?

You know what's more effective and less expensive than just opening your border? Making it so people have good living conditions back home so they don't feel like they need to leave in the first place. The first world would be much better off investing in programs to help the third world develop itself and it would in fact be a much more progressive approach because for every migrant coming in a first world country, there's a thousand people in their country they couldn't afford to make the trip.

Edit: downvotes, no replies, as expected

No one asked you to summarize Republicans' talking points about the border. I'm surprised you didn't spell it "boarder" like they do.

Name one country with a progressive party in power that has opened it's border to anyone that wants to come in no questions asked.

You haven't given an example yet, prove that it's a Republican/Conservative only talking point.

You're asking me to prove that "open borders" is a Republican talking point?

Fucking seriously?

I'm asking you to prove that it's a conservative only policy to not have an open border and that progressive governments open their border to anyone.

Work on your reading comprehension.

Ok, I'll entertain your bad faith exactly once.

Conservatives pretend that anything to the left of their shitty racist border policies is "open borders," which is a bullshit mischaracterization. You're demanding that I defend a strawman that you have constructed.

Now move the goalposts like you did with your garbage about the popular vote.

You didn't provide an example. From the start I've been saying that wanting to keep control on the border isn't a Republican talking point only, you keep saying it is, prove it, show me an example of a border being opened under a left wing government because you keep saying only Republicans (right wing) care about keeping the border secure.

Hell, even the European Union has open borders within the Union but they control the border with countries outside of it! All parties in Canada agreed that the irregular crossings that were happening needed to stop and there was an intervention, under a Liberal government that holds to power with the story of the left wing party!

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