My wife has an iPhone. I have a Samsung S23. Why do videos she texts me look like super low res shit?? Can iPhones not text videos? to – 136 points –

Edit: NOTE, I am the receiver of the texts.

So many people asking me to have my wife do something different on her end.

Beloved, she is on iPhone because she doesn't want to do anything "weird." She is texting from her phone number using her texting app. That's what's going to happen.

Now, why can't I get iMessage on my android phone? If it's just a messenger app why not make it available for Android?

I'd use it.


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Well I've been able to RCS with basically everyone on an android phone since 2019 with almost no issues. That's 5 years now.

I don't really care how Apple wants to try and justify it. The answer is they don't want to add support for an alternative to their walled garden proprietary system that no one else can use. They want to force everyone onto an iPhone and iMessage if possible. The only reason they're even looking at RCS support now is because of regulators starting to look at their glaring lack of support for interoperability.

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