VirtualBox 7.1 Released with Qt 6 GUI, Wayland Support for Clipboard Sharing - 9to5Linux

Οχάκ to – 172 points –
VirtualBox 7.1 Released with Qt 6 GUI, Wayland Support for Clipboard Sharing - 9to5Linux

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Because for some reason, no matter what I try, Windows 10 desktop is laggy as hell on Qemu, and smooth out of the box on VirtualBox.

Are you using UEFI in Qemu?

Yeah, gotta have that and all that Secure Boot with TPM bullshit, because I'm visualizing a company workstation and nothing will work without those.

I've had the same experience, you're much better off RDPing into the VM. But I'd like to know if anyone has a better solution that doesn't require an extra GPU.

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