No Policy Change: In CNN Interview, Harris Refuses to Condition U.S. Military Support for Israel to politics – 7 points –
Kamala Harris Refuses to Condition U.S. Military Support for Israel

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Why can't we just vote for the biggest leftist party with the most ballot access? Ya know, the green party

I will generally not recommend people vote for or support the greens because they represent a directionless triangulation with no vision.

I’ve had the opportunity to vote green in every national election they’ve been in and even chosen them a few times and they’ve always let me down.

It's that kind of attitude that weakens the left. If every leftist were involved with the greens, we could create a truly revolutionary party.

perhaps by changing the party into something entirely different from within. of course that would require a lot of work to overcome 25 years of institutional inertia, let alone a big job of completely changing the party's strategy and operation.

i would even make the argument that the greens aren't left, since they aren't calling for worker control of the means of production and historically that's been the bare minimum to be considered left but using the french seating chart hundreds of years later has its own issues.

Well I don't see nearly as much ballot access from the PSL or any other minor party. Maybe we should make a new party that'll lose popularity to the next one in 5 years. No party will ever be leftist enough for leftists in this country and that pretentious mindset will keep us weak forever.

How does that saying go? “If ballot access were candy and nuts we’d all be eating steak!”

There are absolutely ultras in America but it’s not a position necessary to recognize that the Green Party isn’t leftist. I’d say at the very least the greens can’t be called leftist for the same reason the dubious moniker “progressive” isn’t any marker of the same: their platform is explicitly not left.

They are the leftist party available.

There are other parties that are both more left, more explicitly align with my politics and do not have a dubious history of triangulation.

The greens are not the best available option any more than the democrats are.

That's dumb. If you think the greens are just as bad as the Dems, then your brain is broken. PSL has ballot access in 17 states and they're the only other leftists running a candidate. Green party has more ballot access in 37 states and holds a significantly higher chance of meaning anything. But maybe in another 3 or 4 election cycles the PSL will have the ballot access that the greens do now.

I didn’t say the greens are as bad as the dems, I said they’re not the best available option any more than dems are.

Im not gonna rake you over the coals too much for it, but maybe the language around ballot access and chances isn’t the best way to pull people to your particular electoral construction given it’s the same set of ideas that supporters of the democrats are using against both of us.

They use that argument because it's valid and holds weight. The only other option besides bringing in a third party with ballot access is violent revolution and that was a lot cooler of an idea before drones existed.

If it’s so valid then why aren’t you voting democrat?

My problem with the idea that we all ought to vote for some party whose policies and politics are far from our own in order to win isn’t that it denies the blossoming of everyone’s special flower ideas, but that it collapses all the effects of a third party into winning and losing.

Getting a third party to win is the first step into breaking the US political duopoly and fixing the broken electoral system. The first changes a third party will make is regulations that allow third party wins in the future. It's about making progress towards the left. Democrats do not represent progress, but an upholding of the same tired political duopoly that gives capitalists power. The green party, regardless of whatever ideals you still hate about them, are very intent on changing the electoral system and ending the duopoly.

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propaganda from both parties keep people at the bottom of the juice pitcher unable to breath fresh air and there are too few not drinking the punch to do anything

huge crab effect going on here

like when you go crabbing and put all the crabs in the bucket and the crabs that almost get out get stopped by their peers

It's not cool that Americans are as dumb as crabs in this analogy. If every leftist just got behind the green party we might stand a chance. But everyone wants their own unique ideology represented.

If you think Jill Stein represents any sort of real leftist ideology, I have a number of bridges to offer you.

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