Who are the six Israeli hostages whose bodies were found in Gaza?

gedaliyah@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 31 points –
Who are the six Israeli hostages whose bodies were found in Gaza?

Hersh Goldberg-Polin, 23. Originally from California, Goldberg-Polin immigrated to Israel with his family as a young child. He was taken at gunpoint by Hamas militants while at the Nova music festival.

In August his parents spoke at the Democratic party convention, where they were greeted by a crowd that chanted: “Bring them home.”

Eden Yerushalmi was in contact with the police and with her sisters after the attack. ‘They’ve caught me,’ were her last words to them.

Carmel Gat had been staying with her parents in kibbutz Be’eri on 7 October, one of the communities hardest hit by the attack. Hamas fighters broke into their home and kidnapped her; her mother was killed in the attack.

Alexander Lobanov’s five-month-old son was born while he was in captivity.

Almog Sarusi was taken hostage as his girlfriend, who was shot, succumbed to her injuries.

Ori Danino had been helping others try to escape when he was abducted.


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You’re free to write about them if you please and post them here on Lemmy.

urgh I agreed with you in the other thread but this reply is just not it.

The above commenter is obviously commenting on the lack of media coverage. And asking them to write a biography themself as if they are a reporter is nonsensical.

If even Palestine isn’t reporting on these children, then what is the point in making such a request.

Maybe I’m wrong and Palestine or Hamas is doing biographies on those slain. In that case feel free to translate and post.

Maybe we should just not post biographies on anyone slain then?

Any loss of life is tragic and I didn’t really care for OP dismissing these hostages lives due to whataboutism.

Hard to report when you’re stuck in a refugee camp with barely functioning internet, little/no electronics, all your effort is going into making sure you have food and water and keeping you and your family as safe as possible, while mourning the dead you (statistically likely) were close to.

The near entirety of Gaza is destroyed. It’s all rubble. Life doesn’t just continue as normal in these conditions.

I don't like your attempt to provide cover for a convicted apartheid state engaged in the process of genocide.

I don’t give a shit about Israel or Palestine. I’m just an objective observer. Imagine if Hamas would release the hostages.

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