Jill Stein, Chase Oliver Could Cost Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania: Poll

Socialist Berserker@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – -27 points –
Jill Stein, Chase Oliver could cost Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania: Poll

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You can take all the offense you want, but let me be clear: I’m not voting for Harris, and I sure as hell won’t be voting for Trump.

The real false choice here is being forced to pick between two faces of the same oppressive system.

And for the record, as I have said, I am not even voting for Jill Stein. I’ve shifted my support to a more socialist candidate, Rachele Fruit, because I refuse to be bullied into backing a duopoly that keeps the working class in chains.

If you think doing the bare minimum is enough to stop Trump, then you’ve already surrendered to the system that put him there.

If you're not doing the bare minimum, your opinion literally does not matter.

Also, nobody said bare minimum is enough. It's the bare minimum, by definition.

If you're content with doing just the bare minimum, then you're settling for a system that barely works for the people. Real change demands more than just the basics; it requires a fight, a push beyond what's convenient or easy.

Nobody said to ONLY do the bare minimum. I said you're doing less than the bare minimum.

I'm thinking you're being intentionally dense.

If pushing for real change beyond the bare minimum makes me "dense," then I'll wear that label proudly.

But that’s not what you’re doing. You just come here to start specious arguments then claim victimhood when you get called out for it.

You just come here to start specious arguments

I shared a political news article to this political news community on Lemmy. And I have never claimed to be a victim.

I didn’t write the article, my friend. This community values diverse political views and open discussion.

I’m not the creator or a mod of this community. If you have an issue with the article being posted, feel free to reach out to the mods.

i rest my case

Glad I could help you!

what a narcissistic and self-centered thing to believe

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